
dǎo dàn dàn tǐ
  • missile airframe
  1. 本文根据导弹弹体运动的变参量线性化微分方程组,利用LyaPunov稳定性理论导出了具有充分条件的变参量的弹体自由运动稳定性的判据。

    Based on the linear differential equations of motion of missile body with variable parameters , the present paper has developed the stability criterion of the free motion of missile body with variable parameters having sufficient conditions , using Lyapunov stability theory .

  2. 某导弹弹体对主发动机转子振动的响应

    Response of guided missile body to vibration of main engine rotor

  3. 一种导弹弹体与目标碰撞检测的仿真模型

    A Simulative Model for Collision Verification between Missile and its Target

  4. 机载导弹弹体隔热层的热应力故障与对策

    Thermal Stress Failure on Heat Insulation Coatings for Airborne Missile Fuselage Connection

  5. 基于光学基准法的导弹弹体几何参数检测

    Detection of Missile Body Coordinate and Geometry Parameters Based on Optical Reference Methods

  6. 地(舰)空导弹弹体结构可靠性分析

    Structural Reliability Analysis of the Surface ( Ship ) to Air Missile Body

  7. 导弹弹体结构材料的分析研究

    A Research of Structural Material for Missile Body

  8. 导弹弹体内壁打磨机器人及其运动轨迹规划

    The milling head has adopted gear transmission . Design of Missile Inner-wall Grinding Robot and Its Trajectory Planning

  9. 这些判据可用于旋转或不旋转的导弹弹体运动稳定性分析与设计中,其中有的结果也可应用到火箭弹上。

    Some results of the criteria can also be applied to the motion stability analysis and design of uncontrolled rockets .

  10. 本文采用三维流场数值模拟方法,模拟导弹弹体中部斜喷管燃气射流和空气耦合流场,对斜置喷管燃气射流空气动力干扰进行了研究。

    The aerodynamic interference of jet flow exhausted from canted nozzle which was fitted in the middle of missile was studied .

  11. 导弹弹体结构作为一非均匀质量和刚度的弹性体,计算其在随机激励下的动态响应是较困难的。

    Under random excitations , it is very difficult to calculate the dynamic response of missile which is an elastic body of non uniform mass and stiffness .

  12. 本论文通过对导弹弹体的动力学分析计算,结果表明弹体的振动实验是可行的,而且证明了论文中的计算方法和程序的正确性和有效性。

    The results show that the vibration experiment for the missile is feasible and the exactness and validity of the computation methods and programs in the paper are also verified .

  13. 引入系统辨识的方法,确保当原始气动参数表内存在突跳点时,仍可以较为精确地得到导弹弹体三通道线性化模型。

    The way of system identification is introduced in this paper , which assures that the missile three channel linear model can be got accurately as sharp points exist in original aerodynamic parameter list .

  14. 对地(舰)空导弹弹体结构可靠性进行了分析,介绍了弹体结构可靠性的工程计算方法,提出了改进弹体结构可靠性的技术途径。

    This paper analyzes the structural reliability of surface ( ship ) to air missile body , introduced the method of engineering calculation for structural reliability of missile body and presents a technical way of improving structural reliability of missile body .

  15. 基本型DF-11的特点在导弹的弹体底部有四个较大的稳定翼,但是它们在DF-11A上被移除。

    The basic variant DF-11 features four large stabilising fins at the bottom of the missile body , but they are removed on the DF-11A .

  16. 本文利用数值方法研究了强激光照射超声速导弹,弹体材料发生气化时,喷流蒸气对流场以及弹体气动特性的影响。

    Bainite steel can be used as a new projectile material . The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the interaction between material vapor jet and supersonic flow when intense laser incident the missile .

  17. 本文分析了导弹飞行的弹体振动环境,计算了弹载计算机印刷线路板的自振频率,并给出了一个抗振可靠度的计算公式。

    This paper analyses flying missile 's vibration environment . Computation of the self-vibration frequency of the printed circuit board of on-board computer and a computational formula for anti-vibration reliability are presented .

  18. 结合电视制导导弹的工作原理,建立了电视制导导弹弹体动力学与运动学模型,实现了导弹的全弹道仿真;

    Integrating with the working principle of television guided missile , it constituted the dynamics model and the kinematics model of the missile .

  19. 并利用Matlab仿真分析给出控制信号的形成过程,以及线性化信号的幅值和频率对等效控制力的影响。3.从滚转导弹的均态数学模型出发,推导了滚转导弹的弹体传递函数。

    Then the Matlab was used to simulate and analyze the produced process of control signal and the influence of the amplification and the frequency of the linearization signal impacted on equivalent control force .

  20. 从滚转导弹的均态数学模型出发,推导了滚转导弹的弹体传递函数。分析了滚转导弹的稳定性条件。

    Based on the average mathematical model , the transfer function of the rolling missile was deduced , and the stability conclusion was deduced and applied to the research object . 4 .

  21. 未来导弹导引系统的发展趋势之一是采用捷联式导引系统,即将导引系统直接固定在导弹弹体上,测量轴方向始终和弹体方向一致。

    One of development trend of missiles in the future is the application of strapdown seeker , namely the seeker is fixed on missile body directly , measure orientation is identical with that of missile body .