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zhàn gōng
  • meritorious military service;outstanding military exploit;battle achievement;military exploit
战功 [zhàn gōng]
  • [military exploit] 战斗中建立的功绩

  • 赫赫战功

战功[zhàn gōng]
  1. 他的出色战功得到表彰。

    He was cited for his distinguished service in the battle .

  2. 并因战功卓著被授予飞行十字勋章。

    Hewas awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery in action .

  3. 他说他的上级爱好高尔夫,并嘲笑这种爱好为软弱的表现。在数本描绘自己战功的著作中,他把自己宣传为一个泰国版的兰博(Rambo)。

    He scorns what he calls his superiors ' fondness for golf , which he considers soft , and promotes himself as a Thai-style Rambo in a series of books he has written about his exploits in the field .

  4. 他的另一个战功是诺拉战役。

    Another of his Achievements was the battle of Nola .

  5. 那位战士很勇敢,立了战功。

    The soldier was so brave that he won honour in war .

  6. 成了第一次世界大战中战功最卓著的一种轰炸机。

    It became the most successful bomber used in World War One .

  7. 路易战功卓著爱情道路也一帆风顺

    Louis was victorious in war and lucky in love .

  8. 齐、秦两国文化属于两种类型不同的异质文化,齐偏功利,秦重战功;

    The cultures of Qi and Qin are heterogenous .

  9. 这支赫赫有名的部队曾立过很大的战功。

    This famous unit had rendered the highest service .

  10. 雷文克拉夫特将军一生战功赫赫。

    General ravencroft had had a most distinguished career .

  11. 战功彪炳的年轻士兵。

    Young men who had distinguished themselves in battle .

  12. 霍在生前就是骑着这匹马征战厮杀,立下战功的。石马实际上是霍去病的象征。

    Huo had ridden this horse into battle and it became symbolic of him .

  13. 屡建战功,以足智多谋的独目将军闻名于世。

    He performed outstanding military exploits and became famous as the resourceful one-eyed general .

  14. 祖父马博罗将军在战争中立有赫赫战功。

    Grandfather horse General Borrow has the illustrious military exploits in the war neutrality .

  15. 艺术家和平面设计师有自己的战功走向印刷及平面设计。

    Artists and graphic designers have their own exploits towards printing and graphic design .

  16. 他身穿一件军大衣,上面挂着一排战功纪念绶带。

    He was wearing a military greatcoat with a single row of campaign ribbons .

  17. 在一代人的时期内,他参加过我们的历次战争,战功彪炳;

    He has been a shining soldier in all our wars for a generation ;

  18. 他因战功而被封为爵士。他立下了赫赫战功。

    He was knighted for his war services .

  19. 他写了一本书来表彰这位已故将军的战功。

    He wrote a book to set forth the military exploits of the late general .

  20. 他立下了赫赫战功。

    He established brilliant achievements in war .

  21. 过了几年,她屡建战功,于是被升为一位将军。

    After a few years , she was promoted to the rank of general for her merits .

  22. 犹大的名声传到了君王那里,异民都称述他的战功。

    And his fame came to the king , and all nations told of the battles of Judas .

  23. 其中包括大批战争年代立过战功的人。

    This included a large batch of the people who had offered outstanding military services during the war times .

  24. 高风险通常没有安装安全用户通过交互战功,可大大减低系统安全。

    High risks are typically installed without user interaction through security exploits , and can severely compromise system security .

  25. 乐野景点(开车或步行):裸女瀑布、鸟人石、巨大鬼树、战功石。

    Lo-Ye landscape ( hike or drive ): Luo-nyi waterfall , birdman stone , Huge ghost tree , meritorious stone .

  26. 他是我们中最有头脑的人,是一头不倦的雄狮,他在第一次世界大战中战功卓著。

    He was the sanest of us , with a splendid record in the First World War , a regular lion .

  27. 这支赫赫有名的部队曾立过很大的战功。我手痒痒的,就要拿这件赫赫有名的枪试验一番。

    This famous unit had rendered the highest service . I feel a strong craving for a trial with this celebrated gun .

  28. 如果你多报战功,那下次你会被给予超过你能力的目标给你去打。

    If you take more than your fair share of objectives , you will have more than your fair share of objectives to take .

  29. 混纺威胁如果一个或多个网络服务的战功,武功,或者阻止进入,这些服务直到补丁适用。

    If a blended threat exploits one or more network services , disable , or block access to , those services until a patch is applied .

  30. 王氏兄弟为国家效力多年,在战乱时期屡立战功,但是他们对征战功名感到了厌倦。

    The Wang brothers had done their country a great service during those troubled times , but they had had enough of fighting and military glory .