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zhàn lì pǐn
  • trophy;spoil;booty;loot;spoils of war;war trophies;captured equipment
战利品 [zhàn lì pǐn]
  • [trophy; captured equipment] 作战时缴获的武器、装备等

战利品[zhàn lì pǐn]
  1. 按照军事惯例,胜者正在分享战利品。

    True to military tradition , the victors are now treating themselves to the spoils of war

  2. 上周,《权力的游戏》最新一季第四集“战利品”在播出之前便从其分销商StarIndia处遭到泄露。

    The fourth episode of the latest series , ' The Spoils of War ' was leaked from HBO International distributor Star India a few days before it aired last week .

  3. 军队摧毁了这座都城,并把大量艺术品收缴为战利品。

    Troops destroyed the capital and confiscated many works of art as war booty .

  4. 他办公室挂满了兽头,都是他业余打猎获得的战利品。

    His office was lined with animal heads , trophies of his hunting hobby .

  5. 很快老鼠就成了猫的战利品。

    Soon the mouse became the cat 's capture .

  6. 吉米的战利品甜瓜被抽彩出售了,以筹集慈善资金

    Jimmy 's prize melon was raffled to raise money for charity .

  7. 每天中午,KarmaChonyi会出现在一个专为该项目设立的特别办公室里,清点学生的“战利品”,按照规定奖励他们。

    Every noon , Karma Chonyi shows up at a special office for the program to count the students ' gains and reward them accordingly .

  8. 日后的故事表明这位传奇女子是非常有价值的战利品,因为相貌出众,她在宫廷里被当作礼物几经转手,最终于1705年送到彼得大帝(PetertheGreat)的身边。

    Catherine proved to be one of the more valuable acquisitions of the conquest , and thanks to her good looks was passed around as a favor in the court , eventually being given to Peter the Great in 1705 .

  9. 世界铁人公司运营铁人三项赛事。这是王健林在体育领域斩获的最新一项战利品——他还拥有马德里竞技足球俱乐部(AtleticoMadrid)20%的股权以及体育营销公司盈方体育传媒集团(InfrontSports&Media)。

    It is just the latest in a line of sporting trophies for Mr Wang - he also owns one-fifth of Atletico Madrid and Infront Sports & Media , a sports marketing company .

  10. 我们的室友和朋友们往往会问出这样窥探类的问题,炫耀自己的战利品的确很有意思(尤其是TA们的确很出色的话),但你最好还是保持点神秘感。

    We 've all heard these prying questions from roommates and friends and it 's fun boasting our conquests ( especially when they 're few and far between ) . But you 're better off remaining mysterious .

  11. 而她在出席今年CFDA的典礼时所穿的那双天鹅绒露趾鞋或许就是“战利品”之一。

    Perhaps one of her finds was the pointed on-trend merlot velvet pair she wore to the7th annual CFDA awards that very night .

  12. 对腾讯来说,“战利品”不仅仅是出租车乘客——他们一直努力鼓励人们使用财付通(Tenpay,腾讯类似贝宝(PayPal)的在线支付系统),因为就在线支付领域来说,阿里巴巴的支付宝(Alipay)处于领先地位。

    For Tencent , the prize is even bigger than just taxi customers - they have been trying to encourage people to use Tenpay , their PayPal-like online payment system , because Alibaba dominates online payments with its Alipay .

  13. 战士们就在那里大声欢笑着,打捞战利品。

    With shouts and laughter , the man started salvaging trophies .

  14. 一个汽车旅馆房间里像战利品一样的

    away in a motel room -- they were her trophies .

  15. 他伸出双手去抓这些战利品。

    With both hands he reached out to seize the spoils .

  16. 把这个做你的战利品收藏把。

    Why don 't you stick this in your trophy case .

  17. 现在是该分配战利品的时候。

    Now it 's time to divide up the loot .

  18. 抢夺战利品或掠夺物(在战争中)。

    Someone who takes spoils or plunder ( as in war ) .

  19. 我相信,一个曼德罗士兵把我作为“战利品”占有了。

    Mandalorian soldier claimed me as'booty ' , I believe .

  20. 三只老鼠已带着战利品启航了。

    The three mice had set sail with their prize .

  21. 老兄,现在战利品得靠体育来获取。

    My brother , conquests are made through sports now .

  22. 我想要你知道我不是你的战利品。

    I want you to know that I am not a trophy .

  23. 没错,我不看肤色,我看战利品。

    Precisely . I don 't see color . I see conquests .

  24. 他们把战利品上缴给了上级。

    They handed in their war booty to their leader .

  25. 和真正的战利品相比,只是玩具罢了。

    It 's a mere toy , compared to the real prize .

  26. 你本可以随便选一组数字带着一切战利品走出这里

    You could have chosen any number and walked out with everything .

  27. 我们都知晓我们已经得到了最棒的战利品

    We both know we 've been given the ultimate prize

  28. 在他的手里有些战利品。

    There are some spoils of war in his hands .

  29. 获胜的马林克军队满载战利品而归。

    The victorious Mandinka forces were laden with enemy booty .

  30. 能把我的战利品还给我吗?

    Can I have it back for my trophy rack ?