
  1. 我爱他,他是我的一切。

    I love him . He is everything to me

  2. “我爱他”经常解释为“有他总比没有强”。

    ' I love him ' often translates as ' He 's better than nothing '

  3. 他也是毛毛虫,但是我爱他。

    He is also the worm , but I love him .

  4. 杰西:而我爱他,尊敬他!

    Jessie : And I love and respect him for that !

  5. 其实我爱他爱的不像话。

    As matter of fact , I loved him beyond words .

  6. 我爱他因为他被非湖人粉丝低估。

    I love him because he 's underrated by non-Lakers fans .

  7. 我爱他,但我也日渐明了。

    I love him . But every day I 'm learning .

  8. 我爱他这有什么错?

    What 's wrong with admitting that I love him ?

  9. 我爱他,但是只是我一厢情愿罢了。

    I love him , but only on my own .

  10. 他要是知道我爱他,便不会去娶媚兰了呀!

    He wouldn 't marry her if he knew I loved him !

  11. 放手吧,歌洛莉亚,我爱他!

    Let him go , Gloria ! I love him !

  12. 但我爱他没有他爱我多。

    But I do not love him as much as he does .

  13. 如同其他人一样,我爱他。

    As much as anyone , I loved him and trusted him .

  14. 我爱他,但从人品的角度来讲,我从来不喜欢他。

    I loved him but I never liked him as a person .

  15. 我爱他,所以我相信他。

    I love him , so I believe him .

  16. 选称我爱他并永不放弃?

    To say I love him and I 'll never let him go ?

  17. 我爱他胜过爱我自己,艾伦;

    I love him better than myself , Ellen ;

  18. 我爱他,爱他的表演。

    I love him . I loved his performance .

  19. 我爱他,是谁都无法改变的事实。

    I love him , who is the fact that can 't change .

  20. 我爱他,但是我杀了他。

    I loved him , and I killed him .

  21. 我爱他和她,因为在一起的时光实在是太美好了。

    I love him and her for the quality time is so beautiful .

  22. 许多年后,我们自问:“我爱他么?”

    After many years , we ask ourselves " do I love him ?"

  23. 如果我爱他,你会原谅我吗?

    If I loved him , I 'm forgiven ?

  24. 不知道,我爱他

    I don 't know . I love him .

  25. 我爱他,那就足够了。

    I love him . That 's enough .

  26. 我爱他,我爱他。

    I love him and I love him !

  27. 尽管它在东莞是不是最富裕的城镇,但是我爱他!

    Although it is not most richest town in Dongguan , I love him .

  28. 这样做可能很傻,但是我爱他!

    Madness it may be , but I love him , there it is !

  29. 我爱他,但我在同一时间恨他。

    I love him but I hate him so much at the same time .

  30. 我爱他,就这样。

    I loved him , that 's all .