
  • 网络I continue to
  1. 我继续让安·E帮我松解。

    I continue to let Ann E. untangle me .

  2. 这里我继续着重于Web服务环境中简单、被证实的设计模式的使用。

    Here , I continue to focus on the use of simple , proven design patterns within a Web services environment .

  3. 你在这附近等着以防万一他来了,我继续往前走。

    You hang around here in case he comes , and I 'll go on ahead .

  4. 我继续研究飞蛾,并将研究范围扩展到其他昆虫。

    I continued studying moths , and branched out to other insects

  5. 我继续西行,向100英里外的弗拉格斯塔夫进发。

    I pushed on towards Flagstaff , a hundred miles to the west

  6. 我继续参赛,直到45岁左右。

    I went on competing till I was in my middle forties .

  7. 做了母亲并不会阻止我继续追求我的演艺事业。

    Motherhood won 't stop me from pursuing my acting career

  8. 他希望我继续留在这里,我很难拒绝。

    He expects me to stay on here and I can hardly refuse .

  9. 我继续比照医生办公室里的图表来判断他病情的发展。

    I continued to measure his progress against the charts in the doctor 's office

  10. 我继续寻找一家更好的银行。

    My quest for a better bank continues .

  11. 我继续骑着自行车朝海边走。

    I bicycled on towards the sea .

  12. 五十四五岁,黑色短发,灰色八字胡,明显的俄国口音,还需要我继续说吗?

    Mid-fifties , short black hair , grey moustache , distinctive Russian accent . Need I go on ?

  13. 如果我继续走,我可能就看不到回去的路了。

    If I kept going I might not be able to see my way back .

  14. 之后我继续给妈妈买吃的。

    I continued to buy food for my mum after that .

  15. 然后我继续做我该做的事。

    Then I kept doing what I should do .

  16. 埃尔莎和我继续往前去,到拉福尔旅馆的酒巴

    Elsa and I will buzz on to the Raffles bar .

  17. 我继续工作,这期间他出去买东西。

    I continued working , meantime , he went out shopping .

  18. 我继续朝墙走去。

    I continued my walk toward the wall .

  19. 她总是鼓励我继续写下去,要和全世界分享我的故事

    and she would always encourage me to keep writing and sharing with the world .

  20. 回答还是:“不能!”“好吧,”我继续问,“那我要怎样才能升天堂呢?”

    Again , the answer was , " No ! " " Well , " I continued , " then how can I get into heaven ? "

  21. 随着我继续这个系列教程,我将通过向处理请求的步骤增加复杂度来介绍BPEL4WS语言的其它方面。

    As I continue through this series of tutorials , I will cover additional aspects of the BPEL4WS language by adding levels of complexity to the step that processes the request .

  22. 我继续打印一个小数字。

    I go ahead and print out a small number .

  23. 所以我继续一次只做一件事情。

    And so I continue to do one thing at a time .

  24. 也是一个我继续学业的好地方。

    Well , it is the top one B-school in Asia Pacific .

  25. 妈妈继续做饭,我继续做功课。

    Mother went on cooking ; I went on with my homework .

  26. 就让我继续我那隐秘的忧郁吧。

    Silent all these years and just let it continue .

  27. 要是我继续的话我就会伤害到自己了。

    I would have done myself a mischief if I 'd carried on .

  28. 你想让我继续让陪审团看下去。

    Do you want me to keep playing this tape for the jury .

  29. 当我继续执行清理码头的计划时

    As I go forward with my plans to clean up the docks ,

  30. 我继续看着这头毛驴,不一会,警察就来了。

    I was still looking at the donkey , until the police came .