
The inexorable laws of physics dictate that there are certain absolutes which constrain us , but the fact remains that there are many ways to achieve the same goals .
Use some of the guidelines we 've mentioned and add some of your own reactions to these photographs .
The nature of all other beings is limited and constrained within the bounds of laws prescribed by Us .
Through our sense of truth we realise law in creation , and through our sense of beauty we realise harmony in the universe .
But the law of which we speak , comprehending the values of freedom , affirms the equality of all nations , great and small .
The rules of the game are what we call the laws of nature .
That 's our custom . The law of the pack . Wolf pile !
The conversations that bind us form a human algorithm that serves as the pulse of awareness , trustworthiness , and emotion .
There are Laws of the Universe that we obey , and we act in all circumstances as your mentors and for your protection .
Just as a parent punishes a child in order to correct it , so the laws of God prove immovable when we try to resist them .
Thus we say , the laws of motion , of gravitation , of optics , or mechanics , as well as the laws of nature and of nations .
It turns out not , but it does evince the fact that we have some basic syntax like mathematics and equal signs and whatnot with which we can now start using for more useful purposes .
From this we get our Law of Three and know the reason why the change comes after two and in the three periods .
At bottom , it consists in putting our acts and aspirations in accordance with the law of our being , and consequently with the Eternal Intention which willed that should be at all .
Our strategy is " pit one against ten " and our tactics are " pit ten against one " & this is one of our fundamental principles for gaining mastery over the enemy .