
chénɡ běn jiā yùn fèi
  • cost and freight
  1. 成本加运费且船方不负责卸货费用

    Cost and freight free out

  2. 我希望你们给我们报成本加运费价。

    I 'd rather you quote us your CIF price .

  3. 我们什么时候可以得到成本加运费和保险费的实盘?

    When can I have your CIF firm offer ?

  4. 500箱红茶,成本加运费保险费到利物浦价,每公斤20英镑,七月装船。

    Five hundred cases of black tea , at20 pounds per kilogram , C.I.F.Liverpool .

  5. 请你方报成本加运费至伦敦最低价。

    Please let us have your lowest quotation on the basis of CFR London .

  6. 现在山羊皮伦敦成本加运费价为每件100镑。

    Now the price for goat skin is 100 per piece c f london .

  7. 你们所有价格都是成本加运费费价格。

    All your prices are on C.I.F.basis .

  8. 对离岸价格及成本加运费价格条件的卖货,保险由买方办理。

    For FOB and C & F sales , insurance is to be covered by buyers .

  9. 当然,如果买方愿意成本加运费价或者成本保险加运费价格,我方也可以照办。

    Of course , we also quote CFR or CIF prices if the buyers so desire .

  10. 能否报给我方苦杏仁五十公吨成本加运费汉堡最低价?

    Can you send us your keenest quotation CFR Hamburg for 50 metric tons of Apricot Kernels ?

  11. 你们的报价都是成本加运费保险的到岸价格,我们希望你们能报离岸价。

    All your prices are on a CIF basis . we 'd rather you quoted us FOB prices .

  12. 请就下列每项货物向我方报成本加运费、保险费到西雅图的最低价格,其中包括我们百分之五的佣金。

    Please quote your lowest price CIF Seattle for each of the follow-ing items , including our5 % commission .

  13. 这是`&份250吨花生的合同,价格为每公吨哥本哈根成本加运费价1800元。

    This contract is for250 metric tons of groundnuts at RMB1800 per M / T C & F Copenhagen .

  14. 请寄来两万五千码上述商品成本加运费汉堡价的形式发票一式两份供我们确认。

    Pls . send proforma invoice in duplicate for above 25,000 goods in C & F Hamburg for our confirmation .

  15. 我们的价格是以成本加运费为报价基础。所以保险由你方自行投保。

    Our price is quoted on CFR basis , and consequently , the insurance is to be covered by yourselves .

  16. 我们需要样机到德国,成本加运费保险,到汉堡,你们能做吗?

    We need the sample machine sended to Germany , CIF Hamburg harbour . Are you able to do this ?

  17. 这是一份250吨花生的合同,价格为每公吨哥本哈根成本加运费价1800元。

    This contract is for 250 metric tons of groundnuts at RMB1800 per M / T C & F Copenhagen .

  18. 请报你方家具最优惠的成本加运费到香港价,并告知最早交货期。

    Please quote best price CFR Hong Kong for your furniture and tell us the earliest possible date of delivery .

  19. 请按随函所附询价单开列的产品报来拉哥斯成本加运费价。

    Please quote us for the supply of the items on the enclosed enquiry form , giving your prices CNF Lagos .

  20. 请对我方询价单上所列货物报伦敦成本加运费价。

    Please quote us for the goods listed on the enclosed inquiry sheet , giving your prices c & f london .

  21. 如果货物已经装船的话,保险公司也是受害者之一。你们的报价是船上交货价还是成本加运费和保险费的到岸价?

    If goods are carried on the ship , the insurance is one of the victims in this case . Be all your price on a fob or cif basis ?

  22. 今日上午电子邮件报价:精白米300公吨,每公吨成本加运费新加坡到岸价为2400澳元。于2002年8或9月装运。

    We E-mail you this morning offering you 300 metric tons of polished rice at A $ 2400 per metric ton , C & F Singapore , for shipment during August / September 2002 .

  23. 我们不否认你方产品的质量比印度产品好,但差价绝不可能大于10%,我们还盘是每吨900美元成本加保费运费汉堡。

    We don 't deny the quality of your products is superior to that of Indian makes but the difference in price should in no case be as big as10 % . Our counter offer is USD900 per ton CIF Hamburg .

  24. 您能否报伦敦成本加保险和运费价每码40便士?

    Can you make it 40 pence per yard , cif London ?

  25. 你能给我们报最低的成本,保险加运费欧洲主要口岸到岸价吗?

    Could you give me your lowest quotation , C. I. F European Main Ports ?

  26. 我们可以给你报2000打纯棉T恤衫,抵达悉尼港成本、保险加运费价16澳元。

    We can offer you 2,000 dozen cotton T-shirts at 16 Australian per dozen CIF Sydney .

  27. 我们不能接受你方到岸港鹿特丹成本、保险加运费价每公吨1240美元的还盘。

    We are unable to entertain your counter-offer of US $ 1240 per metric ton CIF Rotterdam .

  28. 如贵国有工厂对此感兴趣,请将所要求的条件和不来梅我货成本加保险费运费价见告。

    If any of your factories are interested in the business please let us know their terms and conditions and the US dollar CIF Bremen price .

  29. 在货物或商品保险中,保险价值是该保险财产的成本价格,加上海运费和与海运有关的费用,及全部海运过程中的保险费用。

    In insurance on goods or merchandise , the insurable value is the prime cost of the property insured , plus the expenses of and incidental to shipping and the charges of insurance upon the whole ;