
Chénɡ hàn
  • Chenghan;kingdom
  1. 东晋永和二年十一月,经过对荆州一年多有效治理,桓温开始西征成汉。

    Having fathered Jingzhou in effect for more than one year , in November , 346 , Huan Wen started to send forces to suppress Cheng Han .

  2. 他凭借这股军事力量吞灭成汉,挥师北伐,既驰骋战场,又左右朝局。

    With the military he swallowed into shares of the Han , the troops on the Northern Expedition , both riding the battlefield , but also about North Korea Bureau .

  3. 她没有将他设计成流浪汉的造型,而是更加衣衫褴褛、肮脏丑陋,因此使得他的动作显得有点儿更加病态急躁。

    She avoided his design being vagrant , but made it scruffier and grungier , therefore making his movements slightly twitchier and edgier .

  4. 由汉字与中国化佛教两要素涵化而成的汉译佛教词语,久为东亚各国所通用。

    The Buddhist words of Chinese translation which were evolved from two elements_Sinograms and Sinicized Buddhism have been in common use in East Asia for long .

  5. 民族伦理学日益成为民族学和伦理学研究中的一个重要分支领域。多元一体构建而成的汉民族&评《雪球:汉民族的人类学分析》

    Ethnic ethics has become an important branch in ethnology and ethics . The Han Nationality Formed from Pluralistic Integration & Comment on the Book Snow Ball Written by XU Jie-shun ;

  6. 也许上帝俯视人间,接着招来一位天使,把他打扮成流浪汉的模样,然后说:“去帮助那个在擦洗吉普车的人吧,他需要帮助!”

    Maybe God looked down , called an Angel , dressed him like a bum , then said ," go minister to that man cleaning the Jeep , that man needs help . "

  7. 多元一体构建而成的汉民族&评《雪球:汉民族的人类学分析》在中国古代,除华夏族之外,东夷族和苗蛮族都是构成汉民族的重要族源之一。

    The Han Nationality Formed from Pluralistic Integration & Comment on the Book Snow Ball Written by XU Jie-shun ; In the ancient times of China , in addition to Hua-xia nationality , the Yi nationality and Miao , Man nationalities were all the resources that consisted of Han Nationality .

  8. 那么,你现在真的成了流浪汉了吗?

    So , You 're officially a hobo now ?

  9. 这间办公室简直成了单身汉的公寓,这里有两个冰箱,装满了饮料和甜食。

    His office-turned-bachelor-pad was also equipped with two fridges laden with energy drinks and sugar-coated snacks .

  10. 但随着他渐渐长大,他没有忘记那一天的事,他在路易斯安那州立大学打了一阵橄榄球,后来成了流浪汉。

    But he never forgot that day and when he grew up after a short spell playing football at LSU he did become a hobo .

  11. 黎明中心庇护所的谢丽尔·赫尔佐格表示,她被卡明斯深深的感动了,她将一个如此痛苦的经历转变成了流浪汉们欢乐的体验。”

    Cheryl Herzog of the Dayspring Center shelter said she " was so touched that Sarah had taken a painful experience and turned it into a joyful one for families in need . "