
  • 网络Component testing;ingredient analysis
  1. 同时说明了光学技术在液体成分检测中的应用。

    The application of optical technology in liquid ingredient analysis is shown .

  2. 液体成分检测中的光学方法

    Optical methods in liquid ingredient analysis

  3. 介绍了DNA探针、PCR技术、免疫检测技术在食品微生物及转基因成分检测中的应用。

    The application in food microorganisms and GMO identification of four modern molecular biology techniques were introduced : DNA probes , PCR technique , immunological examination , biochip .

  4. 多重PCR方法具有快速、简便、准确等特点,在植物产品的转基因成分检测上具有重要的应用价值。

    The multiplex PCR was quick , simple and practical , and might play an important role in the detection of genetically modified ingredient in plant products .

  5. CCA木材防腐剂活性成分检测方法比较试验

    A Brief Introduction on the Method for Determination of Active Components in CCA Wood Preservatives

  6. 表面成分检测渗镀层呈梯度材料分布,表面钛原子和氮原子之比,符合TiN相结构。

    The infiltration layer was distributed with functionally gradient material by surface components detection . The surface rate of Ti atom and N atom conformed to TiN phase structure .

  7. 方法应用基于分析结果正态分布的z-值(z-score)质量控制评价方法对全国25个保健食品功能成分检测实验室的钙分析质量进行评价。

    Methods Quality control method of z-score based on normal distribution was employed .

  8. 试验表明,本文建立的多重PCR方法具有快速、简便、准确等特点,对动物产品牛、羊源性成分检测具有重要意义。

    The experiment suggested that the multiplex PCR method set up in this paper be quick , simple and practical , and might play an important role on the detection of bovine , sheep and goat derived materials in the animal products .

  9. 应用根癌农杆菌胭脂碱合成酶基因(nos)终止子和大肠杆菌K12菌株新霉素磷酸转移酶Ⅱ(nptⅡ)基因的二重PCR对样品进行转基因成分检测,结果均为阴性。

    The duplex PCR detection results of Agrobacterium tumefaciens nopaline synthase ( nos ) terminator and Escherichia coli strain K12 neomycin phosphotransferase II ( npt ⅱ) gene in these samples were all negative .

  10. 辉光放电光电子谱仪(GDS)渗层成分检测结果表明表面含碳量可达29.8%,合金渗层的碳含量也呈梯度分布;

    GDS testing results indicate the carbon content of the surface reaches 29.8 % , the carbon content in the alloyed layer emerges in gradient distribution too .

  11. 本论文利用碳纳米管和介孔SiO2的优异性能,制备出两种化学修饰电极,并重点考察了它们在食品安全分析和中药有效成分检测方面的应用情况。

    In this paper , two kinds of chemically modified electrodes based on carbon nanotube and mesoporous SiO2 were individually prepared , and their application in food safety analysis and drug quality control was investigated in great detail .

  12. 目标成分检测结果表明:60Co辐射灭菌和臭氧灭菌对丹皮酚影响较小,流通蒸汽灭菌对丹皮酚影响最大:4种灭菌方法对熊果酸的影响均较小。

    Targeting ingredients detection showed that 60Co , circulating steam and ozone had little influence on Paeonol while circulating steam had the greatest influence . All the four methods had little influence on Ursolic acid .

  13. 本文首先对土壤元素成分检测的研究现状进行了总结与分析,提出了激光诱导击穿光谱技术(LIBS)应用于土壤的快速在线检测。

    In this paper , research status of soil elements were summarized and analyzed first , then laser induced breakdown spectroscopy ( LIBS ) was come up to apply to the fast on-line detection of soil .

  14. 本文首先对常用的钢铁元素成分检测分析方法进行了介绍,然后提出了激光诱导击穿光谱技术(LIBS)这种快速检测分析钢铁的新方法。

    In this paper , element analysis methods of steel are introduced , and then a new method of Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy ( LIBS ) is introduced , which is fit for high speed analysis of steel .

  15. 提出一种以80C196单片机为核心的镀液成分检测装置,对其硬件构成、软件设计等有关问题进行了详细介绍。

    This paper presents a plating liquid elements checking device focused on SCM80C196 , and introduces the details of its hardware and software .

  16. 四极质谱用于内燃机排气成分检测的研究

    Application of Quadrupole Mass Spectrum to Measuring Exhaust Gas from I.C.Engines

  17. 北京地区儿童性别年龄别身体组成成分检测的意义

    Study on Age-and Sex-Specific Body Composition of Children in Beijing Area

  18. 基于近红外光谱的茶叶成分检测仪的软件研制

    Software development of tea content analysis based on near infrared spectrometry

  19. 信号瞬变成分检测与提取及其在故障诊断中的应用

    Detection and Extraction of Signal Transients and Their Applications in Fault Diagnosis

  20. 大豆和玉米加工产品中外源转基因成分检测技术的建立

    Detection of genetically modified components in products derived of soybean and Maize

  21. 胆汁成分检测对婴儿胆汁淤积诊断与鉴别诊断的意义

    Detection of bile composition in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of infant cholestasis

  22. 工艺改良产品的化学成分检测。

    The detection of the chemical composition in the process improvement product .

  23. 尿液标本放置时间对成分检测的影响

    Influence of Standing Time on Component Measurement of Urine Samples

  24. 超声波技术在牛乳成分检测中的应用

    Application of Ultrasonic Technology in the Analysis of Milk Components

  25. 进口肉骨粉中牛成分检测研究

    Research on Detection of Bovine Material From Imported Meat and Bone Meal

  26. 灰铸铁成分检测及性能预测的热分析方法

    Thermal Analysis Method Used for Composition Test and Property Forecast of Gray Irons

  27. 野葛地上部分用于生产燃料乙醇相关的各项成分检测与分析

    Detection and Analysis of the Components Related with Ethanol Producing in Pueraria lobata

  28. 饲料常规成分检测中应注意的问题

    The problem that should be noticed while analyzing the main compositions of feed

  29. 高炉炉顶多组份混合气体成分检测技术研究

    Research on the Detection of the Ingredients of Different Mixed Gases on BF Top

  30. 食品中转基因成分检测方法的研究进展

    Progress of Detection Methods for Genetically Modified Food