
  • 网络italian parliament
  1. 遗憾的是,本周改革法律业的努力被意大利议会中的律师议员出于私利否决。

    Sadly , an attempt to reform the legal profession this week foundered on the self-interest of lawyers in the Italian Parliament .

  2. 正是因为这个原因,在最近的选举中,一个反对欧元、反对传统政党的抗议运动成为意大利议会中最大的单一政党。

    That , in turn , transformed an anti-euro , anti-establishment protest movement into the single largest political party in the Italian parliament at the last elections .

  3. 意大利议会参众两院具有同样的影响力。

    Italy has two equally powerful houses of parliament .

  4. 其董事局9位成员就有7位由意大利议会选举产生。

    Seven out of nine members of the body that supervises the broadcaster are elected by parliamentary committee .

  5. 因此,意大利议会必须推动新政府尽快拿出一个改革日程。

    For that reason , parliament must swing behind a new government which can push ahead with a reform agenda .

  6. 意大利议会里的女性寥寥无几,这意味着推动改革,以鼓励女性工作的游说渠道。

    With few women in parliament , one source of lobbying for reforms that would encourage women to work is absent .

  7. 但这似乎是不现实的,因此,意大利议会必须依照一个硬性的时间表、确保改革方案在下周初就获得通过这是意大利立法程序所允许的最早时间。

    As this appears unrealistic , the Italian parliament must commit itself to a rigid timetable to ensure that the reform package is passed as early as the beginning of next week the minimum period of time required by the Italian legislative process .

  8. 佛雷多法瓦,一位意大利欧洲议会议员,起草了一份报告,去年物色更多

    Fava , an Italian member of the European Parliament , drafted a report last year identifying more

  9. 费迪是作为一名意大利侨民进入意大利议会的参加意大利人的辩论,并对意大利的法律进行投票。

    Mr FEDI serves in the Italian Parliament participating in Italian debates and voting on Italian laws as a member of the Italian diaspora .