
  1. PunchandJudy木偶戏源于16世纪的意大利喜剧作品剧场。

    VOICE ONE : The Punch and Judy tradition of puppet shows has its roots in the sixteenth century Italian Commedia dell'Arte theater .

  2. 一定是意大利喜剧??是一些一起在街边表演的艺人和杂技演员。

    Must be the Commedia dell'Arte - actors and acrobats performing together in the streets .

  3. 在当今世界上,喜剧精神越来越胜过悲剧精神,1997年的诺贝尔文学奖授予了意大利喜剧家达里奥·福,是颇有象征意味的。

    In the modern world the spirit of comedy tends to surpass the spirit of tragedy .

  4. 16到18世纪的意大利喜剧,根据程式化的情景和角色即兴创作而成。

    Italian comedy of the 16th to 18th centuries improvised from standardized situations and stock characters .

  5. 情景喜剧(一批角色在特定情景中的喜剧表演,通常指电视或广播剧).16到18世纪的意大利喜剧,根据程式化的情景和角色即兴创作而成。

    Situation comedy ;( comedy , usu a TV or radio programme , based on a set of characters in a particular situation ) Italian comedy of the 16th to 18th centuries improvised from standardized situations and stock characters .

  6. 这位精力充沛的喜剧演员以他小丑般的动作和阵阵大笑引发了意大利的新喜剧艺术家浪潮。

    The energetic comic leads Italy 's wave of new comic artists , with his clown gestures and loud bursts of laughter .