
  • 网络Suspended river
悬河 [xuán hé]
  • (1) [aboveground river]∶河床比两岸地势高的河流

  • (2) [waterfall]∶瀑布

  • (3) [(talk) glibly]∶比喻说话或文笔流畅

  • 口若悬河

  1. 黄河水少沙多,水沙不平衡,致使下游河道淤积严重,形成著名的地上悬河,现行河床一般高出背河地面4~6m。

    The serious deposition in the lower reaches is caused by a little water and amounted sediment , and non-equilibrium of water-sediment in the Yellow River , the famous Secondary Suspended River has been formed , the present river-bed is 4-6m higher than the ground behind levee .

  2. 黄河悬河研究及其专家系统研制

    Study on the Suspended River of the Yellow River and Its Expert System

  3. 这人口若悬河,一说就是一大套。

    It seemed as if his flow of words would never stop .

  4. 在GIS技术的支持下,运用评价指标体系和多层次模糊综合评判模型,对不同洪水情景下黄河下游悬河的决溢风险状况进行了评价。

    With the support of GIS technology , the evaluation indexes system and the model of multi-hierarchical fuzzy synthetic judgment are applied to estimating the dike beach risk of hang river in the lower Yellow River under different flood conditions .

  5. 利用在黄河下游悬河段4个剖面上采取的67个地下水和黄河水样,获得了δD、δ18O和T(TU)在空间和时间上的分布规律。

    Spatial and temporal distribution of δ D ,δ ~ ( 18 ) O and Tritium are obtained based on 67 groundwater and the Yellow River water samples in the four sections hanged along the lower reaches of the Yellow River .

  6. 并运用该系统对黄河下游悬河郑州铁桥&彭楼集段等进行了稳定性分析,评价结果与实际情况吻合。

    The result of the evaluation coincides with the actual situation .

  7. 论两类环境和两类悬河问题的研究

    Study on two environmental problems and two types of hanging rivers

  8. 面对黄河悬河挑战的研究与思考

    Studies and Thoughts on the Suspended River of the Yellow River

  9. 黄河下游悬河决口灾害的风险分析与评价

    Risk analysis of dike breach in lower reaches of Yellow River

  10. 布伦丹在自由经营这个话题上口若悬河。

    Brendan waxed eloquent on the subject of free enterprise .

  11. 黄河悬河稳定性评价专家系统的研制

    Expert System on the Stability of Suspended River

  12. 黄河下游悬河决溢风险评价指标体系的构建

    Indicator System on Dike Breach Risk Evaluation for the Lower Reaches of Yellow River

  13. 地质作用·黄河悬河段水动力条件·遥感

    Geological effect · water dynamic condition in section of suspension River · remote sensing

  14. 悬河的稳定性随不同河段河床分维值D值的增大而降低。

    The stabilities of the reaches of the aboveground river decrease with an increasing fractal dimension-D.

  15. 黄河悬河的形成是自然营力与人为因素综合作用的产物。

    The aboveground river of the Yellow River was formed by natural and artificial processes .

  16. 黄河下游二级悬河治理途径的探讨

    Discussion of solutions to the problem of secondary suspended river in the lower Yellow River

  17. 地质构造对黄河下游悬河稳定性的控制作用

    Control Function of Geologic Structure to the Stability of Elevated Section of the Lower Yellow River

  18. 黄河下游二级悬河现状及其形成原因

    Present Status of " Secondary Suspended River " in the Lower Yellow River and Its Formed Reason

  19. 论黄河下游河道的改造与二级悬河的治理

    A preliminary study on alteration of watercourse and improvement of the " secondary perched river " in the lower Yellow River

  20. 摘要黄河是中国第二大河并以其含沙量特大和下游的“地上悬河”而闻名于世。

    Yellow River is the second large river in China and it is also famous in the world as the abundant sand river .

  21. 黄河下游出现的二级悬河就是在新形势下产生的新的问题。

    The " second hangs the river " at the down stream of the Yellow River is a new problem under the new situation .

  22. 按4个层次对3种河道失稳模式进行了分析,建立了由不同地质营力引发的悬河失稳模式。

    It analyzes 3 unstable channel modes based on 4 gradations and establishes an unstable pattern for a suspended river caused by different geological agency .

  23. 黄河下游河南段第四纪构造演化与悬河稳定性评价研究

    The Research on the Quaternary Tectonics Evolvement and the Stability of the Aboveground River in the Lower Reach of the Yellow River in Henan Province

  24. 从区域稳定性研究入手,以地壳、堤坝与地基三系统控制论为理论基础,系统总结了悬河研究领域中的最新成果和结论。

    Based on the controlling theory of three systems , the expert system of suspended river stability is established by means of advanced artificial intelligence technology .

  25. 黄河下游为一条地上悬河,存在着严重的地震危险性,未来强震会引起大堤失稳开裂,造成特大水灾。

    The lower reach of Huanghe is a river on ground which has seismic risk of its large bank fissure caused by future earthquakes to produce flood .

  26. 他们补充道,直接暴露在“悬河”之下的大部分村庄、灾民营包括北川地区的一些地方的民众已经被紧急疏散。

    As a result , most villages and refugee camps immediately below the backed-up waters , including some in the Beichuan area , have been evacuated , they added .

  27. 同位素混合单元模型在黄河下游悬河段(河南段)浅层地下水循环研究中的应用

    The Application of Isotope Compartmental Mixing Cell Model in Hydrologic Cycle of Shallow Water in the Overground Section ( Henan Section ) in Lower Reaches of the Yellow River

  28. 并提出了下游河道改造与“二级悬河”治理的具体措施和技术指标,以及需要研究的关键技术问题。

    The measures and guidelines about the alteration of watercourse and the improvement countermeasure of " the secondary perched river " were discussed and some key technical issues were presented for further research work .

  29. 悬河是指河床明显高于河流堤防背河侧地面的河,其水位常年高于两岸地面。

    The perched stream is the river whose bed is apparently higher than the land side ground of the river wall and whose water level is higher than both side grounds all the year round .

  30. 评价结果表明黄河下游悬河决溢风险具有以下分布规律:(1)决溢风险随着洪水量的增大而增高;

    The evaluation results of dike breach risk show the following distributing regularities of the hang river dike breach risk in the lower Yellow River : ( 1 ) The dike breach risk increase with the increasing of flood .