
  1. 赣东南悬棺葬及其族属

    The Overhanging Coffin Of Southeast Jiangxi Province And Its Race Family

  2. 《中国悬棺葬》版权侵权纠纷案引发的法理思考

    Reflection on Intellectual Property Rights Piracy of Chinese Dangling Coffin Funeral

  3. 令人忧虑的抄袭剽窃现象&从拙著《中国悬棺葬》的遭遇谈起

    WORRYING PHENOMENON OF PLAGIARISM & talk from my work Cliff-burial in China

  4. 对悬棺葬这一古老葬俗,研究者普遍认为它是古濮越文化的反映。

    Most researchers take cliff-burying as a reflection of ancient Pu-yue culture .

  5. 悬棺葬的内涵之谜

    Puzzle of hanging coffin intension of hanging coffin burial

  6. 土家先民曾实行火葬、岩墓葬、悬棺葬等方式,他们哀悼死者的方式之一是鼓踏后而歌,叫啸以兴哀。

    Tujia ancestors had introduced cremation , rock tombs , burials , etc. , their way of mourning the dead is one step after the drums and singing , called the tsunami to revive sorrow .

  7. 本文通过对一悬棺葬考古学学术专著与考古科普读物的版权侵权纠纷的个案分析,提出了学术作品的版权法保护范围及科普作品对学术专著的合理使用的界定。

    The writing , by analyzing the case study of the intellectual property rights piracy of archeological academic works and common scientific readings , puts forward the protection range of intellectual property rights law and the definition of the rational use of academic works in common scientific readings .