
  • 网络total storage capacity
  1. 取得了如下主要结果:现有的陕北大、中型淤地坝的拦泥总库容为3.98×109m3。

    Results showed as follows : The intercepting sediment reservoir capacity of current big and medium check dams in northern Shaanxi is 3.98 × 109 m3 .

  2. 在我国境内已建水库有8.4万余座,总库容4700余亿m~3。

    There are 8.4 million reservoirs in China .

  3. 本工程的设计目标为:总库容:4.26万m~3;

    The project goal is as follows : The total reservoir capacity is 42.6 thousand m ~ 3 ;

  4. 碧口水库经23年泥沙淤积,截止1998年底总库容损失54%,死库容损失92%。

    General reservoir capacity lost 54 % , and dead capacity lost 92 % up to 1998 after 23 yours ' sediment deposition at Bikou Reservoir .

  5. 结果表明,产量的增加主要与品种改良过程中总库容的扩大有关,其中每穗粒数的增加是关键。

    The result indicated that the increase of grain yield was mainly attributed to magnifying of total sink capacity with the increase of number of spikelets per panicle as the key factor .

  6. 通过研究,将水库的调洪库容占总库容的百分比和防洪库容与特征洪量的比值作为峰量控制类型的判断指标。

    Then the paper chooses the percentage of flood storage capacity and total capacity of reservoir and the ratio of flood storage capacity to the feature volume of reservoir as judgement indexes of peak control ;

  7. 全区已建成大小灌溉水渠1.3万多条,水库、塘坝5200余座,总库容2.7亿多立方米;水塘四周有小昆虫。

    It has seen the building of over 13,000 major and minor irrigation channels , some 5,200 large and small reservoirs able to hold more than 270 million cubic meters of water ; There are gnats around the pond .

  8. 地下土壤水库0~40cm的总库容平均为201.23mm,占整个林分总库容量的98%以上,而裸露地为149.56mm,比杉木人工林的小25.6%。

    Mean total capacity of " soil reservoir " in Chinese Fir Plantation on 0 ~ 40 cm layer was 201.23 mm , accounting for above 98 % of total forest capacity , and bare land was 149.56 mm , 25.6 % less than that in Chinese Fir Plantation .

  9. 有了农会,可以不客气地发命令强迫地主修塘坝了。全区已建成大小灌溉水渠1.3万多条,水库、塘坝5200余座,总库容2.7亿多立方米;

    Now that there are peasant associations , the landlords can be bluntly ordered to repair the embankments . It has seen the building of over 13,000 major and minor irrigation channels , some 5,200 large and small reservoirs able to hold more than 270 million cubic meters of water ;