
xìng chōng dòng
  • Sexual impulse;libido;sexual drive;sex impulse
性冲动[xìng chōng dòng]
  1. 将性冲动升华为艺术。

    The erotic impulse is sublimated into art .

  2. 这是很多人(大部分是男性,有时也有女性)都有的一种强迫性冲动,遇到有人提问题,无论是否了解,都想要要回答一下。

    It 's the compulsion by many individuals ( mostly men , but sometimes women ) to answer questions readily , regardless of knowledge .

  3. 此外,网络零售依靠全球越来越着迷于浪费性冲动购物作为此种商业模式的推动力——“双十一”和“网络星期一”(CyberMonday)即为证明。

    In addition , internet retail relies on a growing global addiction to wasteful impulse-buying as driver of its business model - " Singles Day " and " Cyber Monday " are testament to that .

  4. 存在两个反方向中间带的先天性冲动性眼球震颤的治疗研究

    Treatment of congenital jerky nystagmus with opposite bidirectional neutral zone

  5. 抱歉,那个女孩只是有着健康的性冲动。

    Excuse me , the girl just has a healthy sex drive .

  6. 孩子使他们所有的性冲动都消失了。

    The kids took every sexual impulse they had out of them .

  7. 爆玉米原本是用来促进健康和减少性冲动的!

    Corn Flakes were originally designed to promote health and decrease sex drive !

  8. 性冲动是由于睾酮所引起的。

    Testosterone is responsible for the male sex drive .

  9. 探索现代爱情中人类的原始性冲动和其伴随而来的困境

    on the nature of erotic desire and its concomitant dilemmas in modern love .

  10. 在高中时期,和你的孩子谈论一些关于性冲动和想法的事。

    By high school , talk to your child about sexual feelings and thoughts .

  11. 中国国企的收购似乎经常出于非商业性冲动,令情况更加复杂。

    Chinese state-owned acquirers often seem motivated by non-commercial impulses , which complicates matters .

  12. 那些退出的人,感受到了更强烈的性冲动,并且相对于那些没有退出的人来说,变得更容易激动。

    Quitters experienced greater sexual arousal and became excited more quickly compared to non-quitters .

  13. 手术治疗伴有斜视的先天性冲动型眼球震颤

    Surgical treatment to idiopathic congenital nystagmus with strabismus

  14. 对于死尸的狂热性冲动。

    An irresistible sexual attraction to dead bodies .

  15. 他似乎受到某种疯狂的强迫性冲动所驱使。

    He seemed driven by some mad compulsion .

  16. 很多处于这个阶段的女性已经很长时间没有过性冲动了。

    Many women in this stage haven 't felt any sexual desire for a long time .

  17. 开玩笑,你有全新的风格,全新的体系,对性冲动的生动诠释

    Are you kidding me ? You 're this whole new style , this whole new system .

  18. 费希尔认为,男女的性冲动皆由睾丸素控制。

    According to Fisher , the sex drive in both men and women is fueled by * testosterone .

  19. 此种药物处理会压抑人的性冲动,执行起来也无需得到犯人许可。

    The drug treatment is intended to suppress sexual impulses and does not require the convict 's consent .

  20. 延髓腹外侧区为心血管调节的紧张性冲动来源之一。

    It is generally believed that the medulla oblongata is the one of the tonicity sources of cardiovascular regulation .

  21. 以防万一,我希望你找些压抑性冲动的法子。

    Now , should that happen , I would ask you to find some way to suppress your libido .

  22. 干预组比对照组有更多的对象报告有过性冲动体验(54.52%)。

    Besides , the intervention group reported a higher percentage of sexual impulse ( 54.52 % ) than the control .

  23. 然而,孩们又会因为害怕受到父母的处罚,担心失去父母的爱而压制了内心大部分的侵略性冲动。

    Yet children , also fearing their parents'punishment and the loss of parental love , come to repress most aggressive impulses .

  24. 方法对14例存在两个反方向中间带的先天性冲动性眼球震颤患者,采用三棱镜中和两侧代偿头位扭转角的方法确定两个中间带中起主导作用的中间带后,配戴三棱镜;

    Method The relatively used side between the two neutral zone was found by neutralizing bilateral head torsion angle with prisms .

  25. 希望满足性冲动而引发的所有感情。在冲动的热情前面,这种感情是毫无防卫能力的。

    All of the feelings resulting from the urge to gratify sexual impulses . It is an emotion which is defenceless against passion .

  26. 西格蒙德。弗洛伊德说过,你我所做的任何事都出于两个动机:性冲动和渴望伟大。

    Sigmund Freud said that everything you and I do springs from two motives : the sex urge and desire to be great .

  27. 被这种毒蛇咬过的人中约有29%垂体机能减退,这种症状会导致患者丧失性冲动和不孕不育。

    About 29 percent of pit viper victims suffer from hypopituitarism , a condition that causes patients to lose their sex drive and fertility .

  28. 或许更有前途的创意是把青少年那难以压制的性冲动拿来发电,既清洁环保,又能获得几万亿美元收入。

    Even better , there has got to be a mega-billion dollar potential for a product that turns pent-up teen sexual tension into green energy .

  29. 但是,形上追求作为一种本体性冲动是不会停止的,因为它表达的是人的超越需要。

    However , metaphysical pursuits will never cease to exist , as they are expressions of man 's needs for transcending the trivialities of life .

  30. 费希尔认为,男女的性冲动皆由睾丸素控制。相反,浪漫的爱情则是一种对情感的依恋。

    According to Fisher , the sex drive in both men and women is fueled by testosterone . In contrast , romantic love is emotional obsession .