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niàn jīng
  • Chanting sutras;recite or chant scriptures
念经 [niàn jīng]
  • [recite or chant scriptures] 宗教信徒朗读或背诵经文

念经[niàn jīng]
  1. 人们看到他在电视上念经似地就危机问题老调重弹。

    He was seen on TV delivering platitudes about the crisis in a monotone voice .

  2. 僧人们被一根绳子连接起来,开始念经和做法。

    Monks connected by a rope is chanting in sacrificial ceremony .

  3. 阿姨又在像念经一样说教。

    There was my aunt preaching away as if reading a sermon .

  4. 我不会念经,还是你比较重要,小和尚。

    Let me go , don 't say no.

  5. 诸多儿童入寺念经是宗教影响学校教育的直接表现。

    The phenomenon of children preaching is the direct representation of influencing school education .

  6. 那里是和尚念经的地方。

    That 's where the monks pray .

  7. 都说外来的和尚好念经,大概这句话是不错的。

    Say ab extra bonze good recite scriptures , probably this word is pretty good .

  8. “我每天都为他的灵魂念经祷告二他就会升天堂。”

    " I say prayers for his soul every day so he go up there . "

  9. 因为怀念太阳,天空整夜地在无数群星间数着它的念珠念经。

    The sky tells its beads all night on the countless stars in memory of the sun .

  10. 你会听到很大的声音,或是自己脑袋里听到各种念经的声音。

    It is powerful voices that are speaking to you or chanting from inside your own head .

  11. 节日期间大家停止一切活动呆在家里,或出去听念经。

    Holiday period everybody stops all moving dull at home , or exits to listen to chant scripture .

  12. 并不是外来的和尚都会念经,有一些企业成功了,也有一些企业失败了。

    It is not all of them are successful , some of them succeed and some of them are failed .

  13. 和尚非常恐惧,于是戒掉酒肉,好好念经。

    The monk fears very much , hence quit the wine meat , liking to like to chant Buddhist scripture .

  14. 殷为驴子的灵魂念经,还做法事减轻它的痛苦。

    Yin recited sutras for the dead donkey 's soul , and performed ceremonies to release it from its suffering .

  15. 也许由于俄国历史上的原因,使他们重视念经式的、冠冕堂皇的宣言和显眼的象征。

    Perhaps there is something in Russian history that lends them to value ritual , solemn declarations , and visible symbols .

  16. 多谢你的提问。对我每天念经和打坐的时候都希望有世界和平&每个人都很精神。

    Thanks for asking . yes , everyday I chant and meditate . I pray for a peaceful world and positive energy to all .

  17. 所有这些非同寻常的声音所产生的心理效果是非常强大的,特别是当它们与人类打鼓或念经所发出的声音毫无关联的时候。

    The psychological effects of all these extraordinary sounds can be profound , especially when they seem so disconnected from human doing drumming or chanting .

  18. 在仁爱之家当义工的教友张太太说,家长们在修院念经之余,也互相分享,缅怀以前和「爷爷」一起的快乐日子。

    Clare Cheung , a volunteer at the Home of Love , said many immigrants have shared memories of happier days with their " grandpa " as they prayed for the fasting cardinal .

  19. 当宗教领导开始念经的时候,声音会在碰到石墙后不断产生回响。这听起来肯定像是各种其他声音的和声,上帝的声音也在其中。

    When religious leaders started chanting with echoes bounced off the stonewalls over and over again , it must seem like a whole chorus of other voices , spirits of God maybe join in .

  20. 和尚本应该只管自己念经。白蛇自迷许仙,许仙自娶妖怪,和别人有什么相干呢?

    A monk should stick to chanting his sutras , if the White Snake chose to bewitch Xu xian , and Xu chose to marry a monster , what business was that of anybody else ?

  21. 在藏区,出家人是由家人供养的,如果没有家人,他就靠给人念经或超度亡魂过活。

    In zang area , monks are supported by their relatives , if one has no relatives , he has to support himself by reading Sutra for the people , or releasing the spirit of the death .

  22. 供奉观音重要的步骤是,献茶,点心,香,念经,花,蜡烛,穿白色的裙子和拒绝采取任何肉类,尤其是牛肉。

    The important steps to pay respect to Guan Yin are to pray , offer tea , dessert , scented wood , flower , incent , candle , dress in white and the refusal to take any kind of meat , most importantly beef .