- 【电影】Good Will Hunting

My favorite movie is " good will hunting . " don 't waste our talents for acquiring knowledge .
I just wanted to watch the movie , Good Will Hunting , to acknowlege myself the glom of my heart .
When that wasn 't forthcoming , they wrote and starred in Good Will Hunting , which won a Best Screenplay Oscar for the pair .
In fact I 'd like to read you some actual lines , some selected passages , from the review of Good Will Huntingin the MIT school paper .
My brother Kyle and I , and my friend Ben Affleck never really amounted to much.One of the scenes in Good Will Hunting was based on something that actually happened to my brother .
The 63-year-old star of revered movies such as Good Will Hunting , Good Morning Vietnam and Mrs Doubtfire was found dead at his home in Tiburon , northern California , shortly before midday , police said .
He finally landed a coveted Oscar for 1997 's " Good Will Hunting , " which earned him a best supporting actor statuette , and helped launch the Hollywood careers of co-stars Matt Damon and Ben Affleck .