
  • 网络The Departed
  1. 《无间行者》包揽了四项大奖,包括“最佳影片”,马丁·斯科赛斯获得的“最佳导演”,成了奥斯卡全场大赢家。

    The Departed was the big winner at this year 's Academy Awards , taking home four awards including Best Picture and Best Director for Martin Scorsese .

  2. 一些钟爱香港警匪片的粉丝们也许留意过,在电影《无间道》(曾于2006年被好莱坞翻拍为《无间道行者》)经典的电梯一幕中,电梯上没有4层的按钮。

    Fans of the acclaimed Hong Kong police thriller Infernal Affairs ( which was given a Hollywood remake as The Departed ) may have noticed that the classic elevator scene skips the fourth floor .