
  • 网络citta-visuddhi;citta visuddhi
  1. 我们的心中有太多的念头,必须让心清净,才能看清楚所面对的问题,并且明白该如何适当地处理它。

    With our mind full of many thoughts , we need to purify our mind in order to have a clear understanding of what issues we are facing and how we are to deal with them .

  2. 假若我们这样不断地观想,我们的心就会清净与柔和。

    If we recollect like this continuously , our mind will be clean and gentle .

  3. 当修行者获得较深的定力时,他的心变得清净。

    When a meditator has gained deep concentration of mind , his mind is purified .

  4. 到这里我们的心就已经清净、光明与平静了!

    Our Minds are already Clean , Bright and Peaceful !

  5. 把握住自己的心,让心境清净,洁白,安静。

    Hold my own heart , let mind clean , white , quiet .

  6. 唯有将心定下来,心清净了,才是真正的快乐。

    Only when we pacify the mind , when the mind is pure and serene , do we experience true joy .