
We do not know who all of our creditors are .
I instantly realized that I had just created one more karmic creditor – even if he did not know of my swearing !
This recitation will also let all of our enemies , relative and creditors be reborn in the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss .
Instead , I experienced a growing understanding that it is impossible to draw anywhere a boundary that defines who are my karmic creditors .
One day , the priest in the temple phoned my mother , telling her to come and see some testimonies about Buddha and ghosts of ancestors .
Some karmic creditors will not trouble you again if they are convinced of the Buddhism , but some of them are really persistent and they are determined to take the revenge against you .
In conclusion , the list of our karmic creditors is endless : every animal whose meat we have eaten , or whose milk we have drunk , is a karmic creditor to us .
That helps me understand why it is normal that I 'd have no memory whatsoever of events in my previous lives – and yet , those karmic creditors of previous lives are surely there !
Pope John Paul II died the day before the Puja , and I realized that he is indeed one of my benefactors , so I listed him by name as one of my karmic creditors .
To help relieve pain , Wang Sheng zhou , Jie Yuan Zhou and the namo Amitabha Buddha mantra sheet I wrote may be burned or chanted to pacify karmic creditors .