
  • 网络democracy;Mr Democracy;mr de
  1. 嗯,高德先生,你有什么问题吗?

    Uh , yes , Mr. Gold . Do you have a question ?

  2. 这是朝着韩德先生设想的、建立可持续的乡村配送体系迈出的第一步。

    This was the first step towards building the sustainable rural delivery system that Mr Hande envisaged .

  3. 但韩德先生感觉到,他的老母亲听得很用心,而且产生了兴趣。

    But Mr Hande sensed the farmer 's elderly mother , who had listened attentively , was intrigued .

  4. 经福尔摩斯介绍,我知道他叫雷斯垂德先生。这个人每星期要来三四次。

    who was introduced to me as Mr. Lestrade , and who came three or four times in a single week .

  5. 她觉得汤森德先生的未婚妻通过海外观光来陶冶心情的做法是十分妥当的。

    It seemed to her very proper that Mr. Townsend 's destined bride should wish to embellish her mind by a foreign tour .

  6. 法国的孔德先生和英国的斯宾塞先生所主张的哲学方面的平衡论,亦称均衡论。

    Auguste Comte of France and Herbert Spencer of Britain advocated the Balance Theory in the field of philosophy , also called Equilibrium Theory .

  7. 31岁的德先生打开船上的舱口,让同年纪的德太太和其他两名游客先离开,而自己却困在船舱内、最后被淹死了。

    Mr Day , 31 , opened a hatch on the boat to free Dr Nicholson-Cole , also 31 , and two other tourists . He then became trapped beneath the upturned craft and drowned .

  8. 他向菲德先生挨近坐着的那张桌子看了一眼,看到布林伯博士及夫人也恭请布里格斯先生、托泽先生以及其他每一位年轻的先生光临同一个愉快的晚会。

    He also found , on glancing at the table where Mr Feeder sat , that the pleasure of Mr Briggs 's company , and of Mr Tozer 's company , and of every young gentleman 's company , was requested by Doctor and Mrs Blimber on the same genteel Occasion .

  9. “你有客人了,你看,”德伐日先生说。

    ' you have a visitor , you see , 'said Monsieur defarge .

  10. 德伐日先生问。

    Asked Defarge in a whisper .

  11. “说吧,先生,”德伐日先生说,平静地跟他走到门边。

    Willingly , sir , said Monsieur defarge , and quietly stepped with him to the door .

  12. 德伐日先生说,低头看着那个低垂着的白发的头。那人在做鞋。

    Said Monsieur defarge , looking down at he white head that bent low over the shoemaking .

  13. 这已是德伐日先生酒店里连续第三天喝早酒了。

    This had been the third morning in succession , on which there had been early drinking at the wine-shop of Monsieur defarge .

  14. 德伐日先生的眼睛望着他老婆织着毛线,这时那老先生从屋角走了出来,客气地要求说一句话。

    The eyes of Monsieur Defarge were studying his wife at her knitting when the elderly gentleman advanced from his corner and begged the favour of a word .

  15. 正午时分两个风尘仆仆的人在晃动的街灯下经过了它的街道。一个是德伐日先生,另一个是戴着蓝帽的补路工。

    It was high noontide , when two dusty men passed through his streets and under his swinging lamps : of whom , one was Monsieur defarge : the other a mender of roads in a blue cap .

  16. 再说德·罗安先生还是那些寄读生注意的对象,他本人却并不知道。

    Moreover , M.de Rohan , quite unknown to himself , was an object of attention to the school-girls .