
  1. 因此,来自英国南安普顿国家海洋学中心的卡茨亚·帕波尔茨亚娃博士(DrKatsiaPabortsava)带领了一支考察队去寻找漂浮在大西洋上所有分解得不见踪影的微塑料碎片,这些碎片的大小小于人类头发的直径。

    So , Dr Katsia Pabortsava , from the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton , led an expedition to find all that missing microplastic – particles , smaller than the diameter of a human hair – floating in the Atlantic .

  2. 结果表明,有多达2100万吨的微塑料碎片漂浮在海洋的上层。

    That revealed that up to 21 million tonnes of microplastic is floating in those upper layers of the ocean .

  3. 毕竟,又有哪条饥肠辘辘的鱼会在意,这些堵塞它们肠道的微塑料,是来自于面部磨砂膏,还是洗衣粉呢?

    After all , what does a hungry fish care if the microplastic clogging its gut has come from a face scrub or a washing powder ?

  4. 这种微结构塑料光纤的研究结果显示它具有高双折射特性。

    The result of the research for MPOF shows it has a high birefringence .

  5. 微通气塑料袋对侧耳菌丝生长的影响

    Effect of Plastic Bag with Micro Air Vent on Hyphae Growth Rate of Pleurotus Ostreatus

  6. 微发泡塑料不仅可以作为高性能的工程塑料,更可以作为一种替代天然木材的环保材料,用途十分广泛。

    Microcellular foams not only can be used as high-performance engineering plastics , but also can be used as the environment friendly substitutive material of natural wood , so they have wide values .

  7. 新型微发泡仿木塑料的生产开发

    Developing on novel imitation wood micro - foamed plastics

  8. 简易微波腔体微扰法塑料薄膜厚度仪

    A Simple Cavity Perturbation Thickness Meter for Plastics Film

  9. 基于微控制器的塑料光子晶体光纤拉丝塔加热炉的新型设计

    The New Design of Heating Oven Based on MCU for Drawing Tower of Plastic Photonic Crystal Fibers

  10. 研究了塑料透镜在3D虚拟显示头盔光学系统中的应用,设计了适用于眼镜式虚拟微显示器的全塑料(聚甲基丙烯酸甲脂-PMMA)光学系统。

    The properties of plastic lens applied in3D virtual displays are studied and a Polymethyl Methacrylate ( PMMA ) optical system for glasses-type virtual displays is presented .