
  • 网络microwave disinfection
  1. 微波消毒对牙体石膏模型线性尺寸影响的研究

    Effect of Microwave Disinfection on Linear Dimensions of Plaster Model of Teeth

  2. 微波消毒方法在中央空调中的应用研究

    Study on Microwave Disinfection Used in Ventilation and Air-conditioning System

  3. 结果利用微波消毒根管的最佳参数组合是输出功率30~40W,每次照射时间5秒,重复2~3次。

    Results The best technical parameters of microwave radiation was 30 ~ 40W of power , 5 seconds of each time and twice or three times for disinfection of the canals .

  4. 微波消毒化验单的效果评价

    Disinfection of Laboratory Sheets by Microwave : the Result of Observation

  5. 自动控温的微波消毒温室土壤装置设计

    Design of a Device Using Automatic Temperature-controlled Microwave to Sterilize Greenhouse Soil

  6. 结论:微波消毒根管有满意效果。

    Conclusions : Microwave radiation has the effect of sterilization in root canal .

  7. 微波消毒对印模精度的影响研究

    The Effect of Microwave Disinfection on the Dimensional Stability of Dental Impression Materials

  8. 微波消毒根管的实验研究

    Experimental study of infected root canal sterilization by microwave

  9. 微波消毒法与水浴加热法杀菌效果的对比研究

    Disinfectant Resin Comparative Study on The Germicidal Efficacy of Microwave Sterilization and Water-bath Heating

  10. 微波消毒设施土壤试验研究

    Effects of sterilizing on greenhouse soil by microwave

  11. 家庭不使用微波消毒柜消毒购买,非常便宜。

    Family do not use microwave to sterilize buy disinfecting cabinet , very cheap .

  12. 微波消毒根管前后的需氧菌和厌氧菌培养;

    Fostering of aerobe and anaerobe before and after root canal sterilization with microwave .

  13. 微波消毒效果测试研究

    The Effect of the Disinfection by Microwave

  14. 目的:探讨微波消毒根管的确切疗效。

    Aim : To evaluate the effect of sterilization of infected root canal by microwave .

  15. 微波消毒法可望用于对人血浆中病毒的灭活。

    Microwave disinfection method can be expected to be used for inactivation of virus in human plasma .

  16. 脱毒草莓设施栽培增产试验微波消毒设施土壤试验研究

    Study on Yielding Ability of Virus-free Strawberry under Sunlight House Effects of sterilizing on greenhouse soil by microwave

  17. 由于家庭健康治疗趋势的刺激,研究者们也就检查了通过使用微波消毒被感染海绵的效果。

    Spurred by the trend toward home health care , the researchers also examined the effects of microwaving contaminated syringes .

  18. 本文介绍了该消毒柜的设计方法及其对陶瓷菜盘、食品包装纸和冰棍儿杆进行微波消毒的试验研究。

    Design of the cabinet and research on disinfecting china plates , food packing papers and ice - lolly shafts by microwaves are introduced .

  19. 微波消毒土壤的目的是为植物提供良好的生长环境,对消毒装置有特殊的要求。

    The purpose of microwave soil sterilization is to provide good growth environment for plants , so it has special demand on control system .

  20. 观察并比较微波消毒一次性根管治疗(20例)和常规法根管治疗(20例)的近期疗效。

    The short-term therapeutic effects of one-visit root canal therapy with microwave radiation ( 20 cases ) and routine ways ( 20 cases ) were compared .

  21. 结论两种消毒方法均可在相应温度和时间内杀灭细菌且不破坏抗体,但微波消毒法更节省时间和能源。

    Conclusion Two disinfection methods can both kill bacteria at appropriate temperature and time , but can 't destruct antibody , and microwave method can save more time and energy .

  22. 目的:通过对微波消毒根管治疗的临床应用、细菌学和扫描电镜的观察,分析应用微波对感染根管消毒的疗效,为临床应用提供依据。

    Aim : Analyzing the therapeutic results of infective root canal sterilization with microwave ( instead of drugs ), clinically , bacteriology and by scanning electron microscope to provide basis for clinical practice .

  23. 可见,微波消毒土壤可以有效预防和控制土传病害的发生,得到真正的绿色蔬菜,是取代甲基溴等土壤消毒方法的较好方法。

    In conclusion , sterilizing soil microwave could prevent and control soil-borne diseases effectively , and get true pollution-free green vegetables , and it was a better method to sterilize soil instead of methyl bromide .

  24. 方法采用压力蒸汽(预真空及下排气式)灭菌、于热灭菌法(干烤)、微波消毒、环氧乙烷气体灭菌及直接融合法等方法实验。

    Method In this experimental study the following methods were used : autoclaving sterilization ( prevacuum type and exhausted type ), dry heat sterilization ( hot air drying ), microwave sterilization , EO sterilization and direct soaking .

  25. 微波炉消毒门诊检查报告单效果的观察

    Effect on Microwave Oven to Disinfect Out-patient Examination Report Sheets

  26. 微波能消毒袋装鲜牛奶技术研究

    Studies on Sterilization of Soft Packed Milk by Microwave Energy

  27. 五六十岁的时候,你还能有很好的精神状态来拆分或组装婴儿车、操纵婴儿监控器或使用微波蒸汽消毒机,但到了七八十岁的时候,干这些事可能就没这么轻松了。

    And while in your fifties and sixties you are mentally alert enough to cope with things such as collapsing and reassembling a Bugaboo Cameleon , operating a digital baby monitor or using the microwave steam steriliser , you might have trouble in your seventies and eighties .

  28. 采用微波替代甲基溴消毒棚室土壤技术综述

    Summarization of Sterilizing Greenhouse Soil by Microwave Instead of Methyl Bromide

  29. 微波对某些物品消毒效果的观察

    Bacteriocidal Effect of microwave irradiation for certain articles

  30. 结果:①微波+蒸馏水消毒对缩聚型硅橡胶印模材的影响在各方向的线性变化率在-0.338%~0.299%之间;

    The groups disinfected by microwave and distilled water were found : - 0.338 % ~ 0.299 % of condensation rubber groups ;