
  • 网络cycle power
  1. 本文对两E变速箱的循环功率进行了详细的分析。

    This paper presents a detailed analysis of circulating power in the DUAL-E Transmission .

  2. 考虑摩擦时Otto循环功率效率特性新析

    New Solutions of Power and Efficiency for Otto Cycles with Friction

  3. 封闭3K行星传动中不产生循环功率流的结构分析

    Analysis of No Producing Circulatory Power Flow in Closed 3K Planetary Gear Drive

  4. 在理论方面,分析了LD泵浦大功率固体激光器的工作原理,LD泵浦大功率固体激光器的工作阈值、增益饱和、循环功率、输出功率与斜效率等主要工作特性;

    In theory , first , the operating principle of LD-pumped high-power all solid-state laser is analyzed . Then , the characteristics of threshold pump power , output power , slope efficiency , and input-output are discussed .

  5. 本文设计了应用于冷热电联供系统热循环功率50KW的微型燃气轮机。

    In this research a thermodynamic cycle of 50 KW gas turbine for micro CCHP plant is designed .

  6. 基于对三轴HMT的网络分析的结果,在系统方法方面提供了设计实例,它限于用循环功率和同步离合器操作。

    Based on the results of the network analysis of the three-shaft HMT , design examples are proposed in a systematic way , which limit the circulation power and allow synchronous clutch operation .

  7. 实际闭式中冷回热燃气轮机循环功率优化

    Power optimization of a real closed intercooled regenerated gas turbine cycle

  8. 多轴驱动车辆循环功率的计算

    Calculation of the Cycling Power in Multi Axle Drive Vehicle

  9. 液压-机械分流传动循环功率流分析

    An Analysis of the Cycte Power of Hydraulic-Mechanical Shunt Transmission

  10. 内可逆闭式中冷回热布雷顿循环功率效率特性大功率,超豪华,高效率

    Power and efficiency characteristic for an endoreversible closed intercooled regenerated Brayton cycle

  11. 组合式无级变速器的循环功率流分析

    Analysis of Circulation Power Circuit for Combined Stepless Transmission

  12. 燃气轮机中冷循环功率和功率密度优化比较

    Optimum performance comparison of intercooled gas turbine cycle under power and power density conditions

  13. 本文对该类机构的调速范围和循环功率的问题作了分析和探讨。

    The problems of speed regulation range and the circulatory power are analysed in this paper .

  14. 变温热源内可逆中冷回热布雷顿循环功率密度优化

    Power Density Optimization of an Endoreversible Closed Intercooled Regenerated Brayton Cycle Coupled to Variable-temperature Heat Reservoirs

  15. 在分析铰接式双桥驱动低比压运盐车产生循环功率原因的基础上.判断循环功率流的方向;

    Based upon the analysis of the generation cause of recycle power , the direction of the recycle power flow can be judged .

  16. 在示例给定的计算条件下计算结果表明,计及履带接地段打滑时循环功率较不计打滑时小约20%。

    The calculated results show that the circular power considering tracks ' skid is twenty percent smaller than it without considering that factor .

  17. 循环功率流不仅降低了正号机构的效率,而且在某种情况下还会使轮系自锁。

    The circulating power load reduced the efficiency of the positive sign mechanism , and the gear system will be self-locked in some conditions .

  18. 行星变速箱设计过程中,在挂接不同挡位时,各挡功率流向是否合理,是否存在循环功率流,是工程技术人员必须加以解决的问题。

    When designing a planet gear box , the power must be analyzed to make sure if there are unreason - able and circle power .

  19. 一般因为该功率由几个部件传递而造成大于输入或输出功率故循环功率导致高的啮合损失。

    In general , circulating power leads to high mesh losses because the power transmitted by some components becomes greater than the input or output power .

  20. 导出了在傅立叶导热定律下联合循环功率、效率和生态学指标的性能,并进行优化;

    The analytical formulae about power , efficiency and ecological criterion of irreversible combined Carnot heat engine cycle were derived under the linear heat transfer law .

  21. 介绍了组合式无级变速器的6种组合形式,分析了循环功率流产生的原因,给出了不产生循环功率流的4种组合机构。

    Six kinds of combination forms of combined stepless transmission are introduced , and the reasons for producing circulation power circuit have been analyzed and four combination units without circulation power circuit are presented .

  22. 有的存在循环功率流,传动效率较低,还可能发生自锁;有的无循环功率流,传动效率较高。

    In some of them there will exist the circulating power load and so the transmission efficiency will be lower and sometimes self-locking may arise while in others there will not exist circulating power load and so the transmission efficiency will be higher .

  23. 应用离散方法,深入分析了两种2KH型行星轮系的内力矩和功率流,发现2KH型行星轮系属于封闭差动轮系;其中,正号机构存在循环功率流。

    This paper used the discretization method and thoroughly analyzed the inner torque and power-flow of two kinds of 2K-H planetary gear train . We find that 2K-H planetary gear train belongs to the planetary differential gear train , and the positive sign mechanism has circulating power load .

  24. 不可逆Dual循环的功率效率特性

    The Power and Efficiency Characteristics for Irreversible Dual Cycles

  25. 动力换档混合电动车辆变速箱内的循环机械功率

    Circulating Mechanical power In A power-split Hybrid Electric Vehicle Transmission

  26. 螺杆-导流筒搅拌器的循环和功率特性

    Circulation and power consumption performance for helical screw impeller with draught tube

  27. 变温热源回热式布雷顿循环的功率密度特性

    Power density performance of a regenerated Brayton cycle coupled to variable-temperature heat reservoirs

  28. 一类联合动力循环的功率效率特性

    Power Efficiency Characteristic of Combined Power Cycle

  29. 以功率密度(循环输出功率与最大比容之比)作为斯特林热机优化目标函数,从而兼顾到热机尺寸参数。

    The power density ( the ratio of power to the maximum specific volume ) is used as the criterion of Stirling engine optimization .

  30. 通过数值计算方法,分析了中冷度、回热度对循环最优功率、最优效率及其对应的中间压比分配的影响。

    The effects of the e intercooling exchanger and the regenerator on the optimal cycle power output , the optimal cycle efficiency and corresponding intercooling pressure ratio of the Brayton cycle were calculateded .