
xún huán zhì
  • round robin test
  1. TiN薄膜的循环制备和电学性质

    Preparation and electrical properties of MOCVD TiN thin films

  2. 传统循环制竞赛编排法与新编排法之对比研究

    Comparison the new arrangement with that of the traditional circulation system

  3. 间歇循环制气中泵出口压力调节系统的改进

    Improvement of Pump Discharge Pressure Control System in Intermittent Cyclic Gas-making

  4. 循环制竞赛成绩计算方式的研究

    An Analysis of the Score Table in Round Robin Competition

  5. 增强循环制编排合理性的探索

    Discussion on Rationality of Enhancing the Arrangement of Round Robin

  6. 热化学法闭路循环制氯与碱的研究

    A Study on the Preparation of Chlorine and Soda by the Closed-Cyclic Thermochemical Method

  7. 运城盐湖强制溶解循环制卤工艺的研究

    Study on Compulsory Dissolving and Circulating System of Bittern Making with Yuncheng Salt Lake

  8. 我们将采用循环制,还是淘汰制?

    A : Shall we adopt the round robin system or the knock-out system ?

  9. 本文对一种新的热化学闭路循环制氯与碱方法作了初步探讨。

    A new closed-cyclic thermochemical method for preparation of chlorine and soda has been studied .

  10. 因为本次比赛只有六个队,采用单循环制。

    Since there are six matches is played , so the single round robin system will is adopted .

  11. 如果有六个队或不到六个队参加,采用单循环制。

    If there are six or fewer teams , the single round-robin ( one-round league ) system will be adopted .

  12. 我们在第一阶段采用淘汰制,然后在第二阶段采用单循环制决定名次。

    We will use the knock-out system at the first stage and then the single round robin system at second stage to decide the placing .

  13. 轮空问题是现存循环制竞赛次序的矛盾焦点,迄今尚未得到完满的理论阐释。

    The problem of bye is the present contradiction focus in competition sequence of round robin system , which up to now has not been explained satisfactorily in theory .

  14. 本研究采用数学论证法,就循环制竞赛次序中轮空问题的性质及其解决途径展开了深入探讨。

    In this paper , the property of the problem of bye in competition sequence of the round robin system and ways to solve it were discussed thoroughly by adopting mathematical argumentation .

  15. 竞赛组织上,以其单场比赛时间短,参赛队伍多,而常采用循环制与淘汰制相结合的混合制缩短了比赛周期。

    On competition organizes , competition time is short , troop are many , so often uses the mix system which the circulation system and the elimination series unify , reduced the competition cycle .

  16. 对轻油间歇循环制气炉改质室炉壁温度过高的原因进行分析,对耐火保温层、人孔及热电偶测温孔进行改造,效果很好。

    The reasons of excessive wall temperature in reforming chamber of intermittent cyclic light oil gas manufacturing furnace are analyzed , and the refractory insulating layer , manholes , and survey holes of thermocouple have been reconstructed with a better result .

  17. 介绍了运城盐湖制卤旧工艺的弊端,提出了强制溶解循环制卤新工艺,研究了新工艺中的溶解道、卤水温度、卤水浓度及流速的影响。

    This paper introduces the abuses of old technic in bittern making and puts forward the new technic of compulsory dissolving and circulating system . The dissolving tunnel , the temperature and the concentration of bittern liquid and the influence of velocity of flow are studied .

  18. 通过冰冻-解冻循环方法制备了物理交联水凝胶聚乙烯醇(PVA)/聚丙烯酸(PAA),研究了该水凝胶在直流电场作用下的弯曲响应性质。

    The bending characteristics of poly ( vinyl alcohol ) / poly ( acrylic acid ) physical crosslinked by repeated freezing thawing the PVA / PAA mixture solution were studied under the d. c.

  19. 这种SIS混频接收机性能可靠,且可用闭合循环氦制冷机冷却,在4.3K温度操作即可达到好的噪声性能。

    This SIS mixer receiver is reliable , and can achieve good noise performance even operated at 4.3K temperature with a close cycle helium refrigerator .

  20. 酸循环水解制备剩余污泥水解蛋白质的试验研究

    Experimental research on the protein hydrolysate from activated sludge by recirculation process

  21. 使用一种新的循环系统制备了单分散三氧化二铁超顺磁性纳米颗粒。

    Monodispersed iron oxide superparamagnetic nanoparticles were prepared using a novel circulating system .

  22. 工作在液氮温区的闭合循环节流制冷机周期过程和周期协整

    80K CLOSED CYCLE J T REFRIGERATOR The Process of Business Cycle and Cyclical Adjustment

  23. 循环导师制及课外科研对应急型预防医学生培养的意义

    The significance of cyclic tutorial system and extracurricular research to the cultivation of emergency-type preventive medical students

  24. 小鼠脾内注射日本血吸虫病患者尿液循环抗原制备单克隆抗体

    Preparation of monoclonal antibodies by intrasplenic immunization of mice with urine circulating antigen from patients infected with Schistosoma japonicum

  25. 盐碱联合循环中制碱废液资源化利用的研究

    Research on the Utilization of Waste Liquid from Solvay Process as Resource in the Combined Circulation of Salt and Soda Ash

  26. 结果表明该绿色循环工艺制备硫氧镁晶须,流程简单、获得的晶须性能好、物料利用率高、成本低,且对环境友好。

    The results indicated that the new preparation technological process of MOS whisker is simple , friendly to environment , low-cost , high-yield , high-use-ratio .

  27. 用改进算法设计的神经网络控制器,来实现循环型制气过程优化控制,取得了令人满意的结果,验证了该方法具有良好的鲁棒性和控制精度。

    The neural network controller based on the last algorithm is applied to the optimum control to the circulating gas making process , and its experiment results are satisfactory , which verified its better robust and control accuracy .

  28. 半循环运转制较之肩回运转制具有许多优点,论文在定性分析的基础上,给出了机车全周转时间节省的计算公式,从实例可以看出明显的经济效果。

    The half circle locomotive routing is excellent compare to shoulder-circuit locomotive routing Thesis on the foundation of the qualitative analysis , give the calculation formula that the locomotive locomotive turnaround time save , from solid the example can see the obviously economic result of .

  29. 循环还原氧化制备亚微米WO3新工艺

    Preparation of Submicron WO_3 with New Technique of Circulatory Reduction Oxidation

  30. 肝素涂层体外循环管道的制备及生物学性能评价

    Preparation and biological evaluation of heparin coated cardiopulmonary bypass circuits