
  • 网络xcmg;Xugong Group;Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group
  1. 徐工集团是中国机械制造的典范。

    XCMG is the model of China Construction Machines manufacturing .

  2. 徐工集团这艘巨舰正挺起科技与管理创新的强大引擎,向着更加绚丽和充满希望的明天扬帆远航!

    XCMG is on its way to the bright and promising future with its high technology and innovative management .

  3. 论文以徐工集团营销公司的客户服务供应链为例研究了服务型供应链的e化实施。

    The paper illustrates how to construct e-Service Supply Chain by the case study on the customer service supply chain of Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Marketing Company ( XCMGMC ) .

  4. 平淡中谋求胜局&访徐工集团营销公司总经理孔庆华

    Kong Qinghua , General Manager of Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Marketing Company

  5. 徐工集团精加工分厂管理及物流分析

    Management and Quantative Analysis of Finish Machining Workshop for Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group

  6. 徐工集团徐州重型机械有限公司

    Xuzhou Heavy Machinery co. , ltd

  7. 同时在设计过程中,兼顾了徐工集团建立全局数据仓库的未来需求。

    At the same time , the future requirements of establishment of a comprehensive data warehouse have been taken into consideration as well .

  8. 在中国工程机械这场科技、人才与实力的较量中,遥遥领先的就是著名的徐工集团。

    In competition of technology , talents and strengths , taking the lead in China Construction Machinery Industry is the world famous XCMG .

  9. 位于徐州的徐工集团是中国重机械制造的龙头企业,在全世界该行业中排名第五。

    Based in Xuzhou , XCMG Group is a leading Chinese heavy machinery manufacturing company , ranking 5th in the world in that sector .

  10. 位于徐州的徐工集团是一家中国重型机械制造企业,在世界建筑机械行业排名第五。

    Based in Xuzhou , XCMG Group is a Chinese heavy machinery manufacturing company , ranking 5th in the world 's construction machinery industry .