
  1. 在进行了两个月的筹备工作之后,徐佳终于实现了自己的计划。

    After preparing for two months , Xu realized his plan .

  2. 我的笑容比以前多多了。徐佳说。

    I smile more than before , says Xu .

  3. 徐佳与五位年轻员工一起开始了自己的创业之路。

    Xu started his business with five young employees .

  4. 徐佳转发了这些顾客的建议,并真诚地解答了他们的疑问。

    Xu reposted the suggestions and answered them honestly .

  5. 徐佳卖了两个月的樱桃。

    Xu sold the cherries for two months .

  6. 他的一位朋友负责实体店的运营,而徐佳则负责管理网店。

    One of his friends was in charge of the real store and Xu managed the online store .

  7. 我们打算将刚从树上采摘的新鲜樱桃,直接送到客户手中。徐佳说。

    We planned to pick cherries from the trees and send them directly to clients , says Xu .

  8. 我经常要熬到凌晨2点才下班,而早上8点又要回到办公室继续工作。徐佳说。

    I always left the office at 2 am and went back to work at 8 am , says Xu .

  9. 2008年,徐佳从西南大学电子信息工程学院毕业后,便来到北京工作。

    After he graduated from the school of electronic information engineering at Southwest University in 2008 , Xu went to Beijing to work .