- 名Photocopies;process plate

The paper points out the issues in the CIP of authorized facsimile reprint western language books , analyzes the cause for irregular and non-uniform CIP data , and puts forward some measures to regulate and unify the CIP data .
Cataloguing of Reprinting Western-language Books Modern Cataloguers and New Professional Requirements
Avery Wiener Katz ( ed ), Foundation of the Economic Approach to Law .
Similarities and Differences in Cataloging between English Books Written by Chinese and Authorized Facsimile Reprint of Western Language Books
Very modernized plane design element , doodle typeface , autotype 's playbill , The very strong design flavor , I like it .
He was just about to embark on reading the photocopied life history of the oracle , when he was rather startled to hear a slight cough behind him .
I am engaged in selling high quality gravure foreign books with cheap price . I want to introduce the lasted and prevailing thinking , wisdom and minds to domestic readers .
This paper discusses reprinting western-language books literature character , rules of selection , information sources , language and character , methods in cataloguing of western language books , thereby opens out content of literature better , and provides more services to readers .
Sign the letter in blue ink , not black ink . Blue printer : One of the four printing plates in a subtractive colour process which is to be printed in cyan ink .