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cǎi xiá
  • rosy clouds;pink clouds
彩霞 [cǎi xiá]
  • [rosy clouds;pink clouds] 彩色的云霞

彩霞[cǎi xiá]
  1. 彩霞映红了天空。

    Rosy clouds crimsoned the sky .

  2. 天空映出了彩霞。

    Rosy clouds stand out against the sky .

  3. 三公主的衣服,变成彩霞和云雾,萦绕在山峰上;

    Her dresses have turned into rosy clouds hanging over the peaks .

  4. 那宁静的彩霞,缭绕的烟霭和水雾,

    The tranquil sunny haze , the clinging smoke , the vapor ,

  5. 很久以前有一个叫彩霞的美丽女孩。

    Many years ago , there was such a beautiful girl called caixia .

  6. 焊接时间均彩霞周波调式计数控制。

    Welding time adopts circle Style counting control .

  7. 夏日夕阳里的彩霞就是紫色。

    Clouds are violet in the summer twilight .

  8. 彩霞老人康乐中心〔佐敦谷街坊福利会〕

    Choi Ha Social Centre for the Elderly [ Jordan Valley Kaifong Welfare Association ]

  9. 舞动倒映水中彩霞。

    Choi Ha dance reflecting the water .

  10. 他要让我们看见他为我们描绘的落日彩霞。

    He would have us see the sunset glories that he is painting for us .

  11. 她走到窗口,凝视着灰色天际的第一道彩霞。

    She went to her window to gaze at the first color along the grey sky .

  12. 啊,夜色可以把彩霞与蓝天分开,却只能让我们的手和唇贴得更紧。

    O night ! Divorce our sun and sky apart Never our lips , our hands .

  13. 落日余辉,映着彩霞,迎着微风,向着天际。

    Setting sun rays , reflected the rosy clouds , meet the breeze , toward the horizon .

  14. 萧红和她的小说是中国文学史上一缕明丽的彩霞。

    Xiao Hong and her works is a wonderful rainbow in the modern literary history of China .

  15. 我披一件彩霞,跳进了时间深处流淌蓝色溪流中。

    I am wearing a dress made of rainbow , dipping myself into the blue brook of time .

  16. 又孕育了一条山花烂漫,落日溶金,彩霞满眼。

    Conceived a mountain to spend lousy again , the setting sun dissolved a gold , roseate clouds eyeful .

  17. 整座山犹如铺上一望无边的粉白相间地毯,宛如彩霞一般。

    The mountain is carpeted in endless white and pink , just like the rosy clouds in the sky .

  18. 春天是青青草尖上的一颗露珠,红红花朵上的一抹彩霞;

    Spring is a dew on the green Cao Jian , red flowers on the touch of pink clouds ;

  19. 一波又一波的浪浸湿了我的脚踝,五彩斑斓的彩霞,徘徊着一颗孤寂的心。

    Wave after wave of wave soaked my ankle , multicolored rosy clouds , teetering on a single lonely heart .

  20. 在露西、达尔顿给她的朋友克莱拉的回信应该到达的那天早晨,日出之前,天气晴朗,天空中布满耀眼的彩霞。

    The morning of Lucy Darleton 's letter of reply to her friend Clara was fair before sunrise with luminous colours .

  21. 本文通过对彩霞山铅锌矿床的矿石铅、岩浆岩石铅和围岩岩石铅的同位素组成分析,来探讨成矿物质的来源。

    This article mainly studies the origin of ore-forming matter , by analyzing ores , strata and granites Pb isotopic composition .

  22. 满映与东北沦陷时期的日本殖民化电影研究黄昏时天空映满彩霞。

    The Study of Manchuria Studio and Japanese Colonized Films during the Occupation At twilight , the sky was suffused with color .

  23. 彩霞山铅锌矿的发现,可以说填补了东天山地质找矿的一个“空白”。

    The detection of the Caixiashan lead zinc deposit , may say has filled east Tianshan geology prospecting one " the blank " .

  24. 高尚与博大、优美与典雅&托天边的彩霞把最美好的怀念送给永远的冰心

    Noble and Broad , Graceful and Elegant & entrusting the rosy clouds on the horizon to send " forever Bin Xing " our best memory

  25. 他的另外一个朋友黄道周也给他取了个号:霞逸,意思是“在日落时的彩霞中无拘无束”。

    His other friend , Huang Daozhou , also gave Xu an alternate sobriquef : Xiayi , meaning " untrammelled in the sunset clouds . "

  26. 它所呈现的虽是优美的五彩缤纷而又温馨和柔的漫天彩霞,但它折射出的却是壮美的昂扬激烈而又劲拔阳刚的耀眼光芒!

    Although it presents us a graceful picture of colourful , gentle and rosy clouds , Jiuge refracts strong , fierce and glowing rays of sunlight .

  27. 不能因为第一次飞翔遇到了乌云风暴,从此就怀疑没有蓝天彩霞。

    It is wrong to doubt of the existence of blue sky and rosy clouds by judging from the first flight in storms and black clouds .

  28. 徐霞客字振之。霞客是他的朋友陈继儒给他的取的号,意思是“日落时的彩霞中的人”。

    Xiake was an alternate sobriquet given to him by his friend Chen Jiru and it means " one who is in the sunset clouds . "

  29. 织女是个美丽聪明、心灵手巧的仙女,能织出像彩霞一样绚丽的锦缎。

    The Weaver Girl was a beautiful , clever and handy fairy who was capable of weaving brocade as flowery and colourful as the sunset glow .

  30. 神并非在片刻之间构成落日时的彩霞,他要经过好几天的积聚云雾,才在天的西边造成了那美丽的宫殿。

    God does not make a sunset glory in a moment , but for days may be massing the mist out of which He builds His palaces beautiful in the west .