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  1. 不是说将酒倒入V形高脚玻璃杯就是马提尼。

    Putting a drink in a longstemmed V-shaped glass does not make it a martini .

  2. 结论肝脾外伤性破裂有诊断价值的CT征象主要有:①肝脾脏内不规则形高、低密度出血灶;

    Conclusion For diagnosing the liver and spleen traumatic rupture , following CT findings are valuable : ① Irregular high and low density bleeding focuses in liver and spleen ;

  3. 基于模糊修正的Elman动态递归网络板形高精度预报

    High-precision Prediction of Shape Based on Fuzzy Corrected Elman Dynamic Recursion Network

  4. CT轴位平扫呈Y形高密度区17例,天幕缘毛玻璃样大片状高密度区23例,作者认为后者为其特征性CT表现。

    CT Scans show " y " shape high density in 17 patients . Extensive high-density area of the tentorium of cerebellum which is the typical CT imaging was found in 23 patients .

  5. 文章还介绍一种新开发的扁平管形高功率密度SOFC(HPD&SOFC)的性能及其与SOFC的比较,说明其真正具有商业推广价值。

    The flat-tube High Power Density ( HPD ) SOFC newly developed by Si - emens Westinghouse is an innovative approach to cell power enhancement . The performance data in the paper shows its advantages in commercialization .

  6. 薄板冷轧厚度与板形高精度控制技术

    High precision thickness and shape control technology for thin strip rolling

  7. 编制林分形高表估测林分蓄积量方法的研究

    Study on Method of Establishing Stand Form-height Table for Volume Estimation

  8. 油茶无性系桔型果的产量较其他果形高。

    Camellia clones orange-type fruit yield higher than that of other fruit shape .

  9. 独柱式T形高墩施工技术

    Construction technique of High single T pier

  10. 长着帆形高脊柱的大型原始爬行动物;生活在二叠纪或晚古生代的欧洲和倍美洲。

    Large primitive reptile having a tall spinal sail ; of the Permian or late Paleozoic in Europe and North America .

  11. 血肿内部:27个可见骨性间隔和(或)不规则形高密度影,16个呈均匀机化后改变。

    Hematoma inner it is obvious that spacing of bone or / and the reconciliation abnormity ties the form high definition image has 27 and 16 report the even kinase turns the changes .

  12. 在MRI上,海绵窦静脉间隙呈稍低信号,脑神经呈点状或不规则形稍高信号。

    On MR images , the venous spaces of CS show slightly hypo intense signals and cranial nerves above show dot like or irregular hyperintense signals .

  13. 最高的壳形屋顶高出海面67米。

    The highest shell roof is 67 meters above sea level .

  14. 本文从高精度反射面天线的要求出发,从设计、分析、实现以及验证多方面说明星载反射面天线形面高精度的控制与实现。

    This paper describes controlling and realization of high accuracy of reflector shape .

  15. 一种赋形波束高增益微带天线

    A Shaped - beam and High Gain Microstrip Antenna

  16. 南非的灌木,其花盛开时是杯形或高脚玻璃杯形,类似球形的朝鲜蓟。

    South African shrub whose flowers when open are cup - or goblet-shaped resembling globe artichokes .

  17. 新一代空间望远镜采用分块式主镜方案,以多个旁瓣子镜背后布置的若干致动器为控制手段,对主镜面形进行高精度控制,是一个复杂的控制系统。

    The segmented primary mirror of next generation space-based telescope was controlled by a number of actuators to achieve a required surface shape .

  18. 球近似下地球外空间任意类型场元的地形影响南非的灌木,其花盛开时是杯形或高脚玻璃杯形,类似球形的朝鲜蓟。

    Precision Topographical Effects for any Kind of Field Quantities for any Altitude South African shrub whose flowers when open are cup - or goblet-shaped resembling globe artichokes .

  19. 球面面形的高精度检测一直是光学测量领域的难题,目前我国尚未建立国家和国防最高计量标准。

    Spherical surface of high precision detection is a difficult problem in the field of optical measurement all the time , At present , China has not yet established the highest of a state and national measurement standards .

  20. 跗骨V形截骨术治疗高弓足(附17例)

    Surgical Treatment of Pes Cavus by Tarsal V-Osteotomy ( A Report of 17 Cases )

  21. 基于Y形阵的高分辨空时二维DOA估计

    Estimating Direction of Arrival with a Y Shaped Array via Space-time Processing

  22. 三峡库区V形冲沟内高填方路基、拦渣挡墙的设计与思考

    Design and Consideration of " V " - shaped Gully with High Filling Roadbed and Debris Retaining Wall in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area

  23. 与方形柱的对比表明,Z形柱截面高宽比为10~13时受力较为合理。

    It is shown by the comparison between the square columns and Z-shaped columns that the rational ratio of height and width for Z-shaped columns is 1.0 ~ 1.3 .

  24. 熔融石英及ρ-Al2O3对镁质中间包挡渣墙性能影响研究三峡库区V形冲沟内高填方路基、拦渣挡墙的设计与思考

    Influence of Vitreous Silica and ρ - Al_2O_3 on the Performance of the Magnesian Slag Trap in Tundish ; Design and Consideration of " V " - shaped Gully with High Filling Roadbed and Debris Retaining Wall in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area

  25. 闭光滑流形上的高阶线性微-积分方程

    The Higher Order Linear Differential-Integral Equations on Smooth Closed Orientable Manifolds

  26. 鱼雷共形阵方位高分辨算法的研究

    The Research of High-Resolution Algorithm Applied to Conformal Array on Torpedo

  27. 圆端形薄壁空心高墩的技术在京九铁路的应用

    Calculation in Design of Hollow High Pier with Thin Wall and Round End

  28. 非赋形双偏置高性能椭圆波束天线

    Unshaped dual offset ellipsoidal beam antenna with high performance

  29. 超窄间隙焊接是采用间隙尽量小的I形坡口得到高质量焊接接头的一种高效率焊接技术。

    The ultra-narrow-gap welding is a high efficient welding technology in which I groove is used .

  30. 籽粒性状:籽粒橙红色,中间偏硬形,容重高,商品性好,后期脱水快。

    Grain character : grain orange-scarlet , intermediate partial hard shape , high density , good marketable , later quick dehydration .