- 网络A Treatise of Metaphysics

Self-Consciousness of Human Being and Awareness of Art & On Art Metaphysics of the Periods of Wei-Jin , Northern and Southern Dynasties
Life is the Only Being & Nietzsche 's Non-metaphysical Ontology
Marx 's Dual Attitude Towards Traditional Metaphysics Ontology
Marx philosophy found a new philosophical way in the course of criticism of abstract metaphysical ontology .
During the course of argumentation , the article clarified metaphysics teleology is the base of Aristotle 's natural teleology .
In western metaphysical Epistemology tradition , binary opposition model has a great influence on the theory system of traditional interpretation inquiring knowledge .
Traditional relationship between teacher and students in our country is short of humanity and full of scientism , is ontological embodiment of instrumentalism metaphysics .
Agnosticism advocated by Hume and Kant has played an active role in helping modern philosophy step out of " metaphysical dogmatism " towards its further development .
Criticism on the traditional metaphysical ontology is an important part of contemporary philosophic study , and criticism on modern speculative metaphysics since Descartes started originally by Hume .
With the development of modern physics , the focus of modern realism changes from medieval metaphysic to modern realism concerning more about relation , macrocosm and cognitive behavior .
During his life , Heidegger 's academic interests and topic were , we may say , to question the meaning of being , based upon which , he deconstructed and overthrew traditional ontology .
This article argues that Aristotle 's philosophy is a complete system , which focuses on theory of teleology . Aristotle 's philosophy of teleology is constituted by three parts : metaphysic teleology , natural teleology , human teleology .
The internal realism 's theoretical origination can be traced back to Kantism , and it is deeply affected by the thoughts of Tarski , Goodman , Davidson , and so on , and it comes more directly from the criticism of metaphysical realism .
However , this kind of transcendental and metaphysical theory of essence always leads the research to a situation of giving an abstract regulation to a concrete matter which exits in a phenomenal world in order to find an abstract essence which can cross both space and time .
So , the autonomy of science is on the foundation of ontological difference .
The starting points of rethinking the curriculum and instructional issues from a philosophical perspective may be metaphysics , epistemology , logic , and axiology .
Thus real comprehend the western thought for the comprehension of Metaphysics and Ontology , search for a new comprehension to Ethics in the western philosophy .
Space has always been the key point in the study of modern metaphysics and epistemology . And it is an important component of Marxist philosophy system as well .
The philosophy ideas that we experienced has gone through the external metaphysics in ontology meaning , the inherent metaphysics in the epistemology meaning , and reached existing metaphysics in the living meaning .
Besides , we should understand the development of Marx 's ideas from the point of view of materialism and respect the fact of the development of Marx 's ideas , instead of from the point of view of idealistic and metaphysical innatism and quantitative change theory .
Concrete said that , the knowledge thought which they discussed by the On Practice survival develop the good and discard the bad the traditional metaphysics ( existence to have discussed metaphysics and main body metaphysics ) dual discuss , in the real diagnosis foundation persisted criticized and constructed method .
Metaphysics is a doctrine affirming only one aspect .
The End of Metaphysics as Knowledge on the Critique of Traditional Metaphysics from the View of Logic by Kant
But , the deconstruction of Derrida , which attempts to deconstruct the ontology of the philosophy , is still a kind of deconstruction from the inside or in the margin of the ontology of philosophy .
In other words reasoning in language does not seem able to avoid all these practices in which Metaphysics which for Nietzsche is essentially language Metaphysics relies .