
  • 网络form design;formal design
  1. 巴罗克(Baroque)风格以浪漫主义精神作为形式设计的出发点,它虽然脱胎于文艺复兴时代的艺术形式,但却有其独特的艺术风格。

    The form design was started off the romantic spirit , which had been born of Renaissance art form with its unique style .

  2. 基于用户需求的产品形式设计

    Product Form Design Based on User Needs

  3. 介绍了在设计一种用DCP为基础的仪器时,采用PETRI网络理论取代IF-ELSE结构形式设计DSP系统的监控程序。

    In designing the DCP-based instrument the IF-ELSE structure in monitoring program of a DSP system could be replaced by using PETRI network theory .

  4. 给出的基本结果可供PD雷达干扰系统设计中干扰信号形式设计和干扰参数的选择。

    The obtained results can be used in the jamming signal mode design and the parameter select of the jamming signal of the design of PD radar jammer .

  5. iPad媒体作为一种人性化的形态,无论在内容构成上,还是在形式设计上,均与以往的媒体有着显著的不同。

    IPad media as a humanized form , in terms of the content composition , or have significantly difference in the form of design with conventional media .

  6. 为保证变静压控制VAV系统运行良好,要求风机容量与负荷恰当匹配,同时要求风管的布置和形式设计合理。

    The successful application of the control method requires proper matching between zone cooling loads and flow capacities of the supply fan and the VAV boxes , and adequate ductwork design .

  7. 运用口径耦合的馈电方式及叠层贴片形式设计出一种新型的用于Ku波段通信的宽频带微带贴片天线。

    The designing of a novel Ku-band communication microstrip patch antenna with broad bandwidth through the use of stacked patch and the apertures-coupled microstrip as well as its features are studied in this paper .

  8. 库形式设计VLR数据库,通过哈希索引技术将用户数据存储在VLR数据库中,并能对存储在VLR数据库中的移动用户数据进行编辑处理和访问。

    A new method for VLR user data processing , is put forward . A kind of object-oriented scheme is firstly employed to design VLR database based on main memory database .

  9. 重点分析了项目组织风险管理,分别从组织结构形式设计、组织制度和组织管理创新、基于SNA的组织风险管理以及基于CAS理论的项目组织管理等几个方面提出了降低组织风险的对策。

    Analysing the project risk management organization , respectively from the structure design , system and organizational management innovation , risk management organization based on the SNA and on CAS theory of project management and so on to put forward countermeasures of reducing the risk of organization risk management .

  10. 高安全级操作系统形式设计的研究

    Study on Formalization Design for High - Level Secure Operating System

  11. 网络课程内容的媒体呈现形式设计

    The design of presentation format of different media in online courses

  12. 该方法也可以应用到其它的产品形式设计中。

    The method can also be applied to other product form designs .

  13. 多媒体电子出版物形式设计研究

    Study on the Style Design of Multimedia Electronic Publication

  14. 现代汽轮机叶片阻尼结构形式设计方法的研究

    Design Method of Damped Structures for Steam Turbine Blades

  15. 这块草坪是以八这个数字的形式设计的。

    The lawn was laid out in the form of the figure eight .

  16. 生态美学与崇明岛建筑形式设计研究

    Ecological Aesthetics and a Research into the Design of Building Forms in Chongming

  17. 作为初步研究,本文以电磁线圈作为触发形式设计了新型磁驱动仿生致动元件系统。

    In the preliminary study , actuator with electromagnetic coil as the trigger is designed .

  18. 周人尊礼尚德,伦理思想在青铜鼎的形式设计中占据主导。

    And the moral thoughts could be found in the design of the bronze Ding .

  19. 当代市政办公建筑艺术风格与美学形式设计的内容趋向和设计方法。

    And art style 、 aesthetic form 、 content and design of contemporary municipal office building .

  20. 意、形、势&论产品形式设计的语意传达

    " Meaning , Shape , Momentum " - On the Product Shape Design to Convey the Semantics

  21. 周角坐标系量化图形的全圆组合形式设计

    Designing Varions Forms of Full Circle Combination of the Quantitative Graphic Patterns of the Coordinate System in Girth

  22. 该风洞调压阀总体设计分为调压阀气动外形设计、驱动形式设计及控制系统设计,本论文给出了每个分系统的详细设计过程。

    General design of regulating valve system includes aerodynamic configuration design , driven structure design and control system design .

  23. 在历史活动课的形式设计中,本文内容翔实、形式多样、论述具体,列举多个可供借鉴的实例,使设计的方案具有很高的可操作性和实用性;

    The design of activity in history class is full of actual examples and it can be put into practice .

  24. 然后根据不确定因素存在的两种情况,基于此系统形式设计了两个鲁棒积分滑膜控制器。

    On the basis of two cases of uncertainty factors existing , two robust integral sliding mode controllers are designed based on the form .

  25. 一旦问题中线性部分的变量带有某些有界约束,变量投影方法就失效了。因此,针对可分非线性最小二乘的特殊形式设计不分离变量的算法是十分必要的。

    However , when the linear part of variables has some bounded constraints , the methods based on variable projection strategy will be invalid .

  26. 合理的形式设计,恰当的材料选择,可以使雕塑与环境形成完美的结合与交流。

    However , the reasonable form design and the appropriate material selection can make the perfect combination and communication between the sculpture and the environment .

  27. 针对本机床中气动执行元件的不同工作条件和形式设计了简单可靠的气动回路。

    Meeting all kinds of working conditions and forms of pneumatic actuators in the machine , a simple and reliable pneumatic circuit is put forward .

  28. 同时,不带拱架的结构形式设计,为门式起重机减重方法研究及结构创新设计研究均提供了有益的参考。

    Meanwhile , the structure which is designed without arch beam provides a valuable reference for researching of structure lightweight and innovating design for gantry crane .

  29. 同时,企业对于功能化形式设计的要求日益增加,对用户进行更深入的研究,寻找新的设计独破点。

    Chinese companies start to look for new way to create unique design of their own , so it is very of usability research for innovation .

  30. 飞行数据的可视化形式设计为两种方式,一种是视点在无人机外,可以在观看飞行姿态的同时看到无人机的实时飞行位置和姿态信息。

    One way is to set the observer outside the UAV so that both the flying process and the flight information in the moment can be seen .