
  • 【水】spray pattern
  1. 在安阳钢铁集团有限责任公司焦化厂,模拟熄焦过程和焦炭转运过程,采用平面和立体喷洒方式向焦炭喷洒ZBS(焦炭改性剂)溶液。

    The coke was sprayed with the ZBS solution to simulate coke quenching and cooling process at Anyang Iron and Steel Co. , Ltd.

  2. 通过不同类型的施药机械,选用不同喷洒方式,在棉花生长后期进行喷洒施药试验。

    Pesticides were sprayed on late growing cotton with different spraying equipment and different spraying methods .

  3. 大部分农药的施用,以药液雾化喷洒方式为主,喷头是植保机械中实现液体雾化的关键部件,喷头性能的优劣,直接关系着农药有效利用率的高低。

    The hydraulic pressure atomization is the main means of application of pesticide product at present . Spray nozzle is the key part of the crop protection mechanism in the process of atomization , whose performance decides the pesticide product efficiency .

  4. 以表层喷洒的方式分别加入沙、红壤和棕壤中,沙的有效含水量增加32。

    The effective water in sand , red soil , and brown soil were increased by32 .

  5. 采用喷洒钝化剂方式改善焦炭热性能的实验研究

    Experiment Study on Improving Hot Property of Coke by Spraying Passivator

  6. 沥青喷洒系统驱动方式研究

    Research of Driving Method for Bituminous Spraying System

  7. 对沥青洒布车沥青喷洒系统驱动方式进行研究,通过数学分析和对比,充分肯定了上装采用独立发动机的独立式沥青洒布车在沥青洒布量范围和控制性能方面的优势。

    The driving method is studied . Through mathematical analysis and comparison , the advantages of asphalt distributor with separate engine are accepted in volume control and characteristics .

  8. 通过KC-20/2011型空调验证,在相同条件下,采用不同喷洒冷凝水方式,冷凝器铜管同点温度能降低4.0~12.9℃不等;

    With the experiments carried on the KC-20 / 2011 air conditioner it can be concluded that the copper conduct surface temperature is reduced about ( 4.0 ℃) to ( 12.9 ℃) through different ways of sprinkling the condensed water onto the condenser .

  9. 化学除草一般采用大面积喷洒农药,这种喷洒方式不仅提高了农业成本,而且破坏了土壤质量,污染了环境,不利于农业的可持续发展。

    At present the method to weed is to spray the herbicide , and the means to spray is the well-distributed spraying . This method , not only improve the cost of agriculture but also damage the quality of field and pollute air .

  10. 世界卫生组织回顾了关于使用DDT的研究,它得出结论说DDT可以在室内安全地喷洒。这个决定可能导致援助机构增加资助用室内喷洒DDT的方式控制疟疾的努力。

    The decision could lead to an increase in aid-agency funding for efforts to control malaria by spraying DDT indoors .

  11. 利用运11型飞机喷洒苏特灵Bt生物杀虫剂防治松毛虫的试验研究,筛选出适宜的剂量、喷洒时间和喷雾方式,为大面积生产防治提供可靠数据。

    In this paper , prevention pine caterpillars experiments are carried out by using transportation plane 11 to spray Bt biotic pesticides , and the suitable dosage , spraying time and modes are selected out , it provides reliable data for prevention over an extensive area in production .