
  • 网络strong equivalence principle;strong EP
  1. COW实验验证强等效原理的讨论

    Discussing about the cow experiment test the strong equivalence principle

  2. 经过对COW实验的物理意义重新分析,发现COW实验不足以严格验证作为广义相对论基础的强等效原理。

    The physical significance of the COW experiment is discussed in this paper . We don 't think that the COW experiment can strictly test the strong equivalence principle as the foundation of the general relativity .

  3. 强等效原理是爱因斯坦在1907年提出来的,作为广义相对论的基本假设之一。

    The Equivalence Principle ( EP ) was raised by Einstein as a basic hypothesis of general relativity theory in 1907 .

  4. 得出了在新广义相对论中,弱等效原理和中强等效原理仍成立,但极强等效原理不成立的结论。

    We conclude that the weak and the mid-strong equivalence principle is still satisfied but the super-strong equivalence principle is not satisfied .

  5. 在这种情况下,有两个星体在第三个的引力场中运动,如果在白矮星绕脉冲星运动的时候,非常细致地测量它们对脉冲星电波发射规律的影响,应该可以检验广义相对论的核心支柱之一“强等效原理”。

    This situation , with two bodies moving in the gravitational field of a third , should allow one of the central pillars of general relativity , called the strong equivalence principle , to be put to the test by making very detailed measurements of the effects of the white dwarfs on the pulsar 's metronome flashes as they circulate .