
qiáng xīn jì
  • cardiotonic;cardiac stimulant
强心剂 [qiáng xīn jì]
  • [cardiotonic] 一种强心的物质

强心剂[qiáng xīn jì]
  1. 毒毛旋花甙的来源,中等剂量是强心剂,大剂量会中毒。

    Source of strophanthin which in in moderate doses is a cardiac stimulant but in larger doses a violent poison .

  2. 这笔交易对该镇每况愈下的经济是一服最好的强心剂。

    This deal would offer the best possible pick-me-up to the town 's ailing economy .

  3. 这个消息给电信部门注入了一针强心剂。

    The news gave a fillip to the telecommunications sector

  4. 这是一服理想的新年强心剂——巴哈马5日游。

    This is an ideal New Year pick-me-up — a five day holiday in the Bahamas .

  5. “超极本”原本被人们寄予厚望,大家都认为它们可以给日益萧条的PC市场打一针强心剂。

    So-called ultrabooks were supposed to revive moribund PC sales .

  6. 今天来到TED,看到听到这些激动人心的演讲,给了我一针强心剂。

    And being here at TED and seeing the stimulation , hearing it , has been very , very energizing to me .

  7. 相比之下,两周前,我心情愉悦地参加了“创业家论坛”(FoundersForum),这个一年一度的论坛对人们的积极思维是一大提振,就像给人们打了一针强心剂。

    By contrast , two weeks ago I enjoyed the Founders Forum , an annual boost of positive thinking as powerful as a huge jolt of adrenalin .

  8. 方法:取患者在常规使用强心剂、利尿剂及血管扩张剂的基础上予生脉饮加味治疗,测定血浆脑钠素(BNP)浓度及左心室射血分数,并与对照组比较。

    Methods : Chronic cardiac failure patients were treated in cardiac tonic and diuretic agent , then in modified pulse-activating powder . BNP concentration in plasma and left ventricular ejection fraction of treatment were compared with control .

  9. 目的研究新型钙增敏强心剂6-[4-(4′-吡啶)氨基苯]-4,5-二氢-3(2H)哒嗪酮(MCI-154)的扩血管作用机制。

    AIM To explore the mechanism of vasodilation effect of 6 - [ 4 - ( 4 ′ - pyridyl ) amino-phenyl ] - 4,5-dihydro-3 ( 2H ) - pyridazinone ( MCI-154 ), a novel calcium sensitizer for cardiac contraction protein .

  10. 不过,随后一天公布的一份强劲的就业报告宛如一针强心剂,使市场出现反弹。

    The market rebounded following a strong jobs report this morning .

  11. 这些创新可能会给自行车产业打上一针强心剂。

    The bicycle business could use a boost from some new innovation .

  12. 利尿剂治疗心源性肝淤血明显优于强心剂,二者对比差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。

    There was obviously significance in two groups ( P < 0.05 ) .

  13. 安卓系统已经给三星智能手机业务打了一针强心剂。

    Android has given Samsung 's smartphone business a shot in the arm .

  14. 这一方案将会给工业界注入一针急需的强心剂。

    This scheme will give industry a much needed shot in the arm .

  15. 还有毛地黄也是一种致命植物,两倍的人用于强心剂治疗。

    And foxglove is a deadly plant that also doubles as a cardiac medication .

  16. 我开始给他注射多巴胺和强心剂。

    I 'm starting dopamine and dobutamine drips .

  17. 昆士兰洪灾给钢铁价格打了一针强心剂。

    The Queensland floods are giving a shot in the arm to steel prices .

  18. 会在某个时刻需要用到强心剂。

    Into cardiac arrest at any moment .

  19. 明星人物:由于波拉德的缺阵,吉奥瓦尼是赫尔城的强心剂。

    Star man : Giovanni is Hull 's brightest spark in the absence of Bullard .

  20. 科学应是一种强心剂。

    Science should be a cordial .

  21. (生)重视肺动脉瓣的重建,术后早期利尿和多巴胺强心剂的应用,治疗右心衰竭等。

    Reconstruction of pulmonary valve , early postoperative diuresis and use of dopamin to diminish occurrence of right ventricular failure .

  22. 对于近年增长势头迅猛的太阳能行业而言,这份乐观的报告无疑是一针强心剂。

    The bullish report is the latest dose of good news for the solar industry that has seen phenomenal growth .

  23. 充分合理地利用你的时间,这也许会在你不知所措时成为你的强心剂。

    Be strategic and smart with your time , it can be your saving grace when you start to become overwhelmed .

  24. 强心剂及利尿剂治疗心源性肝淤血121例对照研究老年慢性充血性心力衰竭的运动康复疗效

    Observe and Compare the Therapeutic Effects of Using Cardiac and Diuretic in 121 Patients with Liver Congestion of Congestion Heart Failure

  25. 这是因为,为全球经济增长做出重大贡献与为全球经济注入提振需求的强心剂并不是一回事。

    For contributing substantially to global economic growth is not the same as imparting a demand boost to the world economy .

  26. 这是继昨天霍奇森警告觊觎雷纳的球队放尊重点之后老板给球迷们打入了又一针强心剂。

    The NESV principal owner 's comments follow a hands-off warning issued yesterday by Roy Hodgson with regards the future of Pepe Reina .

  27. 米歇尔.巴拉克给了东道主一剂强心剂,他令人震惊的返回到德国对哥斯达黎加的开幕战中。

    Michael Ballack could hand the host nation a real fillip by making a shock return for Germany 's opener with Costa Rica .

  28. 他说:“我真为你骄傲。”我得和大家承认,这可给了我一针强心剂。

    He said , " I 'm so proud of you . " And I have to tell you , it was energizing .

  29. 目的观察强心剂及利尿剂对121例心源性肝淤血患者治疗疗效并进行对比性研究。

    Objective To observe and compare the therapeutic effects of using cardiac and diuretic in 121 patients with liver congestion of congestive heart failure .

  30. 在当前情况下,这种权宜之计实施起来非常困难,而且中国还需要应付上一轮的强心剂所带来的后遗症。

    This type of quick fix will be far more difficult this time around and the country is still facing the consequences of the last dose .