
qiáng dào
  • robber;bandit;rob;brigand;highwayman;pirate;marauder;dacoit
强盗 [qiáng dào]
  • (1) [rob]∶以暴力夺人财物

  • 其俗杀人强盗及奸皆死。--《隋书》

  • (2) [robber]∶抢夺他人财物的人

强盗[qiáng dào]
  1. 那强盗用枪逼着她打开保险箱。

    The robber made her open the safe at gunpoint .

  2. 警察叫她描述一下强盗的样子。

    The police asked her to describe the robber .

  3. 珠宝商在试图抵抗强盗时被刺伤了。

    The jeweller was stabbed as he tried to fight the robbers off .

  4. 强盗戴着长筒袜面罩。

    The robbers were wearing stocking masks .

  5. 蒙面强盗闯了进来,抢走了8,000美元。

    Masked robbers broke in and made off with $ 8,000

  6. 卡车被强盗拦了下来。

    The trucks are being waylaid by bandits

  7. 这是一个不折不扣的强盗横行的国家。

    This is real bandit country .

  8. 乡间强盗正在学习早期西部人的做法,先让牛群受惊四处乱窜以转移农民的注意力,然后再洗劫他们的房屋。

    Countryside robbers are learning the ways of the wild west by stampeding cattle to distract farmers before raiding their homes .

  9. 强盗们打死了那个人并拿走了他的钱。

    The robbers killed the man and took his money .

  10. 警方已经找到强盗的一些踪迹。

    The police found some traces of the robbers .

  11. 她回家的路上,有一个蒙面强盗突然向她冲过去,抢走了她的全部东西。

    On her way home , a masked bandit suddenly rushed to her and robbed her of all her possessions .

  12. 强盗们埋伏起来准备袭击那个有钱的旅客。

    The robbers were lying in wait for the rich traveller .

  13. 这伙强盗现在潜伏在欧洲某地。

    These robbers are now flying low somewhere in Europe .

  14. 强盗趁天黑而外逃。

    The robbers fled by night .

  15. 强盗闯入我们的住宅,偷走了所有的钱。

    Bandits broke into our house and stole all our money .

  16. 那个强盗拿枪逼着温蒂,抢走了她的东西。

    The thief pointed a gun at Wendy and held her up .

  17. 他们正在努力围捕那些强盗。

    They are trying to round up those robbers .

  18. 强盗们用暴力把保险箱的锁撬开。

    The thieves forced the lock of the safe .

  19. 这伙强盗箕踞在太行山上已经很久了。

    This band of robbers has occupied the Taihang Mountain for a long time .

  20. 强盗把银行洗劫一空,抢走了10万英镑。

    The robbers cleaned the bank out , and got away with £ 100,000 .

  21. 强盗手持刀子向老妇人逼近。

    The robber bore down on the old woman with a knife in his hand .

  22. 强盗袭击了那个老人。

    The robber attacked the old man .

  23. 自卫中,他打死了一个强盗。

    He killed a robber in self-defence .

  24. 两个士兵一起赶路,途中被一个强盗所劫。

    Two soldiers travelling together were set upon by a robber .

  25. 这个城市需要一个严苛的办法来对付强盗。

    The city needs a draconian way of dealing with robbers .

  26. 骗子用诈术;强盗用武力。

    A swindler uses guile ; a robber uses force .

  27. 强盗企图逃跑,但一个人把他抓住了。

    The robber tried to run away but a man tackled him .

  28. 小官回答说:“他说一个强盗。”

    One of the petty officials answered : " He robs . "

  29. 警察向逃跑的强盗开了枪

    The policeman discharged his gun at the fleeing robbers .

  30. 盗贼:“可我是个贼人,是个强盗。”

    And the brigand said , " But I a thief and a plunderer . "