
  • Zhang Yimou;Yimou Zhang;shame;Zhagn Yimou
  1. 面对全球化挑战,张艺谋采取了“以大搏大”、跨界出征的策略,先后打造了武侠巨片《英雄》和《十面埋伏》。

    Facing the global challenge , Yimou Zhang made the Hero and the House of Flying Daggers targeted for the international market with the self-confidence which rooted in the china 's traditional culture .

  2. WellGo最近发行的其他影片包括李沧东的《燃烧》、张艺谋的《影》和袁和平的《叶问传》。

    Among Well Go 's other recent releases are Lee Chang-dong 's Burning , Zhang Yimou 's Shadow and Yuen Woo-Ping 's Master Z : The Ip Man Legacy .

  3. 好莱坞公司传奇影业(LegendaryPictures)的一家子公司,正在与著名中国导演张艺谋合拍一部动作片。

    A unit of the Hollywood studio Legendary Pictures is co-producing an action film here with the award-winning Chinese director Zhang Yimou .

  4. 本片由中国导演张艺谋执导,他的上一部主要作品是2004年在国际取得成功的《十面埋伏》(HouseofFlyingDaggers)。

    The film was directed by Chinese director Zhang Yimou , whose last major film was the 2004 international hit House of Flying Daggers .

  5. 另外一部高调参选的大片、由中国大陆选送的《金陵十三钗》(TheFlowersofWar)未能入围,该片的导演是张艺谋,由克里斯蒂安·贝尔(ChristianBale)担纲主演。

    Another high-profile blockbuster , mainland China 's " The Flowers of War " from director Zhang Yimou and starring Christian Bale didn 't make the short list .

  6. 张艺谋也一身黑装,下穿运动裤,脚穿一双马丁靴(DrMartens-styleboots);

    Zhang is all in black , pairing tracksuit trousers with a natty pair of Dr Martens-style boots ;

  7. 《长城》将由乐视影业和传奇东方联合制作。前一家公司由张艺谋担任艺术总监,后一家公司总部设在香港,是美国传奇影业(LegendaryPictures)旗下的制作公司。

    The film will be produced by Le Vision Pictures , where Mr. Zhang is artistic director , and Legendary East , a Hong Kong-based production outfit set up by the American company Legendary Pictures .

  8. 中国曾希望这部电影能获得奥斯卡奖(Oscar)。该片由知名导演张艺谋执导,是首部请来好莱坞大牌明星出演主角的、中国国内出资拍摄的电影。

    China had been hoping for an Oscar for the film , directed by the celebrated Zhang Yimou and the first domestically-funded movie with a Hollywood star in the lead role .

  9. 乐视旗下的电影制作公司乐视影业(LeVisionPictures),正在制作由张艺谋执导、由马特.达蒙(MattDamon)主演的《长城》(TheGreatWall),该片被宣传为最大手笔的中美合拍影片。

    Le Vision Pictures , the group 's movie production arm , is in production on The Great Wall , directed by Zhang Yimou and starring Matt Damon , in what has been billed as the largest joint Sino-US film co-production .

  10. 北京还可以利用张艺谋来帮助申奥。这位中国著名导演一手执导的2008年奥运会开幕式令人印象深刻,足以获得皮博迪奖(Peabodyaward)。

    Beijing could also dangle the carrot of Zhang Yimou , the famous film director whose authoritarian choreography for the 2008 Olympics opening ceremonies was impressive enough to nab a Peabody award .

  11. 张艺谋也一身黑装,下穿运动裤,脚穿一双马丁靴(DrMartens-styleboots);他的女儿张末(Mo)坐在两人中间充当翻译,她在片场也是司职翻译。

    Zhang is all in black , pairing tracksuit trousers with a natty pair of Dr Martens-style boots ; his daughter Mo sits between the two men and will translate for us today , as she did on the set .

  12. 电影评论家、电影节策划人谢枫(ShellyKraicer)在邮件采访中说,张艺谋最新影片中体现的历史观与中国官方的基调一致,所以该片很有可能获得电影局推荐申报奥斯卡奖。谢枫曾在北京居住,前不久才离开。

    In an email interview , Shelly Kraicer , a film critic and festival programmer who until recently lived in Beijing , said the view of history reflected in Mr. Zhang 's latest film conformed with official norms , and so the film could well get the Oscar nod from the film bureau .

  13. 周四记者打给张艺谋助手的电话无人接听。

    Calls to Mr. Zhang 's assistant rang unanswered on Thursday .

  14. 从着装现象解读张艺谋的个人表达

    Unscramble the personal expression of Zhang Yi-mou by the dressing phenomenon

  15. 张艺谋电影作品的民间性

    A Comment on the Folk Features in ZHANG Yi-mo 's Films

  16. 小江是张艺谋的影迷。

    Xiao Jiang EST UN fan des films de Zhang yimou .

  17. 张艺谋截然不同,他总是胸有成竹。

    Zhang already had a clear idea of what he wanted .

  18. 人们一致认为张艺谋是一名优秀的导演。

    It 's agreed that Zhang Yimou is an excellent director .

  19. 她是张艺谋的红人。

    She was a favorite of the famous director Zhang Yimou .

  20. 论张艺谋电影的中国传统美学表征

    The Research of Chinese Traditional Esthetics Token of Zhang Yimou 's Film

  21. 用西方文论解析张艺谋电影

    An Analysis of Zhang Yimou 's Films with the Western Literary Theory

  22. 接着,张艺谋导演了去年的奥运开幕式。

    Mr Zhang went on to direct last year 's Olympic ceremony .

  23. 出台的这种杂烩让电影制作人张艺谋的优势得以发挥。

    The resulting melange played to Zhang 's strengths as a filmmaker .

  24. 我认为是和张艺谋导演的合作教会我这样做。

    I think that my collaboration with Zhang Yimou taught me that .

  25. 这也是张艺谋在市场和艺术上取得成功的重要原因之一。

    Zhang Yimou in the commercial success of one of the reasons .

  26. 试论张艺谋电影创作手法在舞剧创作中的运用

    Application of Zhang Yimou 's Movie Creation Approach to Creation of Ballets

  27. 红色:张艺谋电影的文化蕴含

    Red : The Culture Implication in Zhang Yimou 's Movies

  28. 论张艺谋电影的影像造型

    The Analysis of Mold Making in Zhang Yi-mou 's Movies

  29. 试论张艺谋电影创作的两种修辞艺术

    On Two Rhetoric Art of Zhang Yimou 's Film Creation

  30. 第五代导演与张艺谋从影之路

    Directors of the Fifth Generation and Zhang Yi-mou 's Road in Movie