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  1. 例如,下面这张图是南小岛(MinamikoIsland)露出水面的尖顶,日本官员认为这个该岛是“尖阁列岛”名字背后的灵感来源。

    Here , for example , is a spiky outcropping on Minamiko Island that Japanese officials believe was the inspiration behind the name Senkaku , which means " pointed " in Japanese :

  2. 在那边那个大房子的中央有一张用从南美洲的巴西进口的木头做成的桌子。

    At the center of the big room over there is a table that is made of wood which is imported from Brazil of South America .

  3. 与世界顶尖级的制作人合作,罗南在2000年推出了自己的第一张专辑《罗南》。

    Put together in cooperation with the world 's top producers , his debut album came out in2000 .