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  1. 刘备、诸葛亮大喜。命二人带兵与张郃交战。

    Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang were very pleased . The veteran generals were ordered to fight Zhang He .

  2. 后曹操放火烧掉袁绍屯放于乌巢的军粮等军用物资,袁绍大将张郃、高览投降曹操,袁军士气全无,曹操乘机发动大反攻,杀万余,俘虏7万余。

    Cao Cao launched a counterattack , killed ten thousands and captured about 70 000 of the enemies and drove them in disorder to the north .

  3. 黄忠、严颜到了葭萌关,先用计打败张郃,又用智夺取了曹操的屯粮重地天荡山。

    When Huang Zhong and Yan Yan got to Jiameng Pass , they laid a trap to defeat Zhang He . Then they used skillful tactics to take over Tiandang Mountain , the granary of Cao Cao 's army .