- 名outlier;exception value

The main point is that the defect that K-MEANS would fall into a suboptimization is made advantage in our algorithm . Under the strategy of cluster-based outlier detection , outliers are searched and deleted in clusters .
However , Mr Gillis said that investors should put the results into perspective . " Overall the results are stunning - it 's made $ 10bn in profit . But Apple is an outlier in many metrics , so you need to look at the performance relative to expectations , " he said .
Data Rejection in Linear Fitting Using Origin
Treatment of Abnormal Value of Plastic Strain Ratio r Value about Metal Thin Steel Plate
The principled research to assess the outliers of Logistic regression model
Then , use few known point of original data to approximate the large number of check point in GPS network .
The Fisher-type statistic is very effective for testing outlier in exponential sample .
The test about the additivity outlier in the two-way classification stochastic model
Because of using L2 norm , Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) method is sensitive to outliers .
As a result , the problem of testing the outliers in two-parameter Weibull examples is solved primely .
The main conclusions areas follows : 1 . Bayes method for outlier detection based on different types of classification variables .
On the basis of the non-linear regression diagnostic analysis , the authors put forward a diagnostic method to assess the outliers of the Logistic regression model .
Irwin type test for outliers in the sample of type I extreme value distribution
Results of Monte Carlo simulation and practical examples showed that the new procedure wins advantages over the classical Fisher discrimination when some outliers exist in data set .
Outliers in time series can play havoc with conventional optimizing estimation procedures , in which cases the robust method must be used .
In this paper , the percentile points are given for Fisher-Type statistics for testing the largest or smallest observational value as outlier in exponential sample .
The approximate distribution of Nair test statistics of detecting Outlier for normal sample
For the data with outliers , Bootstrap samples may contain more " pollution " than original samples and reduce the validity of our statistical deduction .
A method of outlier detection in re-gression is proposed making use of the character of structure risk function and KT condition in support vector regres-sion in this paper .
The undulation of Mohorovicic discontinuity under JX region only causes the gravity anomaly of 21-42 milligals .
Denoising and singular point detecting of the measured signal is performed using wavelet analysis .
The computation flow for finding the best fitting equation is founded by LSE , M-estimation , R-estimation and successive regression , abnormal values can be found by the computation flow and adjusted by EM-algorithm .
In patients with recurrence of ovary tumor , the IAP levels was increased to compare with the health women ( P < 0.01 ), the incidence of the abnormal value was 100 % .
Finally , we analyze the principle of Gaussian mixture model and clustering EM algorithm , which should be applying in clustering analysis and anomaly detection of the ARX model outlier series .
For outliers occurring in the measured data of flood discharge , the parameters of the AR model obtained by the robust recursive least square method are more robust than those obtained by the standard recursive least square method .
The method is with robustness for great disturbances or outliers generated by measurement systems via choosing weighting factor based on huber function .
Multibeam echosounding is a dynamic process ; the depth is not repeating data . Aiming at the character ; the Bayes estimation theory and MCMC sampling design method are imported to detecting outliers .
In this algorithm , conventional LMS error estimator was replaced by Cauchy error estimator , the robustness of model was increased , and the influence of abnormal value in training samples on the convergence speed was reduced .
Evaluation of gsfc ( 9 / 80 ) model of geomagnetic field and determination of local anomaly solutions of observatories in China
The method first maps time series to phase space , and then obtains a distinguish function by one-class classification in phase space , finally , outliers detection is proceed based on KKT conditions .