
  • 网络semivariogram;variogram;semi-variogram;semivariance
  1. 在一般丰产林中,卵和幼虫的半变异函数所拟合的模型为线性,而成虫为指数,表明成虫的空间连续性较强;

    ( 2 ) In general highyield forest stand , semivariogram of eggs and larvae complied with linear model , however it was exponential model for adults , showing that spatial continuity of adults was stronger .

  2. 指示半变异函数;

    Indicator semi - variogram ;

  3. 半变异函数的方向性分析表明,Cr,Ni均为各向同性,土壤中Cr,Ni具有中等程度的空间相关性。

    The spatial structures of Cr and Ni were isotropy .

  4. 基于半变异函数的多极化SAR图像地表淹没程度分析

    Semivariogram-based Analysis of the Land Cover Flooding Extent from Multi-Polarized SAR Image

  5. 就普通Kriging法而言,结果显示降水量半变异函数符合一般的球状模型。

    As for the ordinary Kriging technique , the rainfall semi-variation function agrees well with the shape of sphere model .

  6. 以Peaks曲面作为先验曲面,从二维等值线和三维曲面的角度对比分析反距离加权和选用不同半变异函数的Kriging算法对先验曲面(Peaks曲面)的插值结果。

    Takes peaks surface as the known surface , contrasts and analyses the interpolation result of the inverse distance weighting algorithm and Kriging Interpolation algorithm which select different semi-variation function by two dimensional contour and three dimensional surface .

  7. 变焦窗口可以用结构分析和实验半变异函数来确定。

    Zooming windows can be determined by the experimental semivariation function .

  8. 一种新的半变异函数拟合方法&积分面积法

    Method of integral area a new fitting of semi - variant function

  9. 通过空间统计学的半变异函数工具定量研究了东莞市普通住宅价格的空间异质性特征。

    Using semi-variogram , the spatial heterogeneity of general houses prices in Dongguan City is studied quantificationally .

  10. 基于区变量理论,通过地统计学的半变异函数定量研究吉林省中部德惠市土壤有机质、全氮、速效钾和速效磷的空间异质性特征。

    Based on regionalized variable theory , semivariograms of geo-statistics were used to research the spatial variability of soil properties quantificationally .

  11. 结果表明,变换后数据集的经验半变异函数存在明显各向异性,在北偏东70°方向上变异性最弱。

    The results show that experimental semi-variogram exists distinct anisotropic and has the strongest continuity in the direction of northeastern 70 ° .

  12. 利用研究区域内已有资料点的数据,可以计算出一个相应的变异函数,即实验半变异函数。该变异函数可以用来分析研究区域内各种区域化变量的变异特性。

    The variant function , so-called experimental semi-variant function can be established using the data of all control points in a given area .

  13. 半变异函数是描述矿床某些区域化变量(如矿石品位、矿体厚度等)特征的有效数学模型。

    Semi-variant function that describe variant features ( for example ore grade , thickness of ore body and so on ) in some districts of ore deposit is an effective mathematical model .

  14. 立足样品测试数据,利用空间分析、空间插值、地质统计以及景观生态学方法,深入分析了深圳大鹏湾表层沉积物碎屑矿物的空间分布特征,并使用球状模型对相应半变异函数进行理论建模。

    Based on the survey data , the spatial distribution characteristics of surface sediment debris minerals in Shenzhen Dapeng Bay , Guangdong , are analyzed using the method of spatial analysis , geological statistics , interpolation and landscape ecology .

  15. 用积分面积法进行半变异函数拟合的基本思路是:使实验函数与拟合的理论模型所包含的面积全等;

    Using the method of integral area take into fitting of semi-variant function which basic principle of the train of thought is as following : making the experiment function goes into congruence with the area that is all concluded the theoretical model of fitting ;

  16. 在永济市耕地资源管理信息系统和传统地统计学的支持下,以半变异函数为主要工具,通过GS+软件对永济市耕地土壤的6种微量元素的空间变异特征进行了初步研究。

    With the aid of the Farmland Resources Management Information System of Yongji City , the traditional geo-statistics , semivariance function , and the GS + software , characteristics of spatial variation of 6 trace elements in the farmland soil in Yongji City were studied .

  17. 最佳理论模型的参数显示各变量空间变异主要受结构性因素的影响,各变量半方差变异函数的C/(C0+C)均高于66%。

    The parameters derived from best-fitted models showed that the spatial variability of both total P and Olsen-P was mainly affected by structural factors , with C / ( C_0 + C ) being higher than 66 % for all the variables .