
  • 网络opened injury;open injury;opening injury
  1. 方法报告肾损伤58例,其中开放性损伤4例,闭合伤54例,复合伤4例。

    Method Report 58 cases of renal damage with 4 opened injury , 54 closed injury and 4 combined injury .

  2. 目的探讨海水浸泡踝、膝关节开放性损伤的治疗方法并分析影响疗效的因素。

    Objective To investigate treatment methods and to analyze factors that affect the treatment of open injury of ankle and / or knee joints after seawater immersion .

  3. 闭合性损伤8例,开放性损伤7例膈肌破口小者3cm,大者15cm。

    There were 8 close and 7 open cases . The size of the rupture on the diaphragm was from 3 to 15cm . The importance of earlier diagnosis and treatment were also discussed .

  4. 胸部开放性损伤102例治疗体会

    Experience of treatment of 102 cases with open injury of chest

  5. 男性外生殖器开放性损伤诊治体会

    The Diagnosis and Treatment for Open Injury in Male External Genitalia

  6. 腹腔镜在腹部开放性损伤中的应用体会

    Experience in the application of laparoscope for open abdominal injury

  7. 腹部开放性损伤合并海水浸泡时血浆酶的变化

    Effect of Seawater Immersion after Open Abdominal Injury on Several Plasma Enzymes

  8. 下肢严重开放性损伤的显微外科修复

    Repair of the severe open injury to the lower limb by microsurgery

  9. 腕掌侧开放性损伤67例临床分析

    Open Palmar Injuries of the Wrist : Clinical Analysis of 67 Cases

  10. 开放性损伤占93.4%;

    Open trauma were 93.4 % in all cases .

  11. 腹部开放性损伤犬经海水浸泡后血液动力学及病理学的变化

    Hemodynamic and pathologic changes in open abdominal wound after seawater immersion in dog

  12. 32例腹部开放性损伤的救治体会

    Remedy experience in 32 cases of abdominal open trauma

  13. 外伤性质以眼球开放性损伤居多;

    The predominate injury was open wound of eyeball ;

  14. 脊柱脊髓开放性损伤21例救治

    Management of open injuries of the spine and spinal cord in 21 patients

  15. 目的:探讨腕部开放性损伤的分型及治疗。

    Objective : To discuss the treatment and type of the wrist open injure .

  16. 本研究为膝以下严重开放性损伤的修复提供了良好的方法;

    The study offer a reasonable method to repair serious open injury below knee .

  17. 手和前臂广泛开放性损伤的早期治疗附70例报告

    The Early Management of Hand and Forearm Extensive Open Injury : Report of 70 cases

  18. 下肢血管开放性损伤的诊治(附25例报告)

    Management of Open Vascular Injuries in the Lower Extremities ( Report of 25 Cases )

  19. 方法:分析24例男性外生殖器开放性损伤的临床资料。

    Methods : Information of 24 patients with open injury in male external genitalia was reviewed .

  20. 闭合性损伤130例,开放性损伤14例。

    130 cases had closed wound .

  21. 方法收集喉外伤33例,其中闭合性损伤14例,开放性损伤19例。

    Methods Among 33 cases of laryngeal trauma , 14 were closing trauma and 19 opening trauma .

  22. 颈和颈根部血管开放性损伤的救治(附12例报告)

    Management of penetrating vascular injury in the neck and cervical area ( Report of 12 cases )

  23. 结论:外伤性胃破裂多见于腹部开放性损伤,常有合并伤。

    Conclusion : Traumatic gastric rupture is offen caused by abdominal open injury and has associated injury .

  24. 目的探讨应用矩形逆推进皮瓣修复手指开放性损伤的方法及疗效。

    Objective To report the treatment outcome of finger injury in military training by reversed advance rectangular flap .

  25. 目的评价复方四黄液熏洗治疗手部开放性损伤的临床疗效。

    Objective To estimate the curative effects of Compound Sihuang Decoction in the treatment of hand open injury .

  26. 结果:胸腹部开放性损伤26例,胸腹部闭合性损伤35例。

    Results : Among 61 cases , there were 35 cases with blunt injury and 26 cases with penetrating injury .

  27. 目的探讨脊柱脊髓开放性损伤的临床特点、治疗及预后情况。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical characteristics , treatment and prognosis of open injuries of the spine and spinal cord .

  28. 开放性损伤占83.2%,手指损伤占71.7%。

    Open injuries were common , accounting for 83.2 % . The digits were injured in 71.7 % of the cases .

  29. 颈部开放性损伤的诊断处理是头颈外科面临的一个重要课题。

    Abstract Diagnosis and treatment of open wounds to the neck is an important problem faced to the head and neck surgeon .

  30. 方法:在31例睾丸损伤中,闭合性损伤26例,开放性损伤5例。

    Methods : Thirty-one patients suffered from testicular injuries which included 26 cases of closed injuries and 5 cases of open injuries .