
  • 网络Craniotomy
  1. 结果:立体定向组和开颅手术组的死亡率低于保守治疗组(P<0.05)。

    Result : Death rate of the stereotactic operation and craniotomy is lower than that of non-operative group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  2. 滑动骨瓣在小儿开颅手术中的应用29例报告

    Application of gliding skull flap in pediatric craniotomy : report of 29 cases

  3. CT和MRI检查对急性垂体卒中确诊率分别为26%和90%。经蝶手术22例,开颅手术13例,无手术死亡。

    CT scanning or MRI correctly identified pituitary hemorrhage in 26 % and 90 % respectively .

  4. 结论CT定位选择性三叉神经半月节射频热凝术治疗原发性三叉神经痛安全简便,疗效可靠,并发症少,尤其适用于高龄或不能耐受开颅手术的病人。

    Conclusions CT-guided selective radiofrequency thermocoagulation is a safe , simple , and effective option for the treatment of PTN , especially suitable for the elderly and high-risk patients .

  5. 30例患者中16例行开颅手术,10例X刀治疗,4例立体定向手术。

    According to the results of the noninvasive work-up , 16 patients were referred for open skull operation , 10 patients for X-knife and 4 patients for stereotactic operation .

  6. 目的观察丙泊酚(pro)对急性颅脑损伤(ACI)患者开颅手术期间体内活性氧(ROS)的清除作用。

    Objective To investigate the elimination effect of propofol on the reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) in patients with acute craniocerebral injury ( ACI ) .

  7. 结论ACI患者术前存在NOS、NO代谢紊乱,开颅手术后其含量进一步升高而加重脑缺血再灌注损伤。继发于创伤的进一步损伤可导致神经炎症反应。

    Conclusions There are NOS and NO metabolism disorder in patients with ACI . Surgical procedures on the brian may induce secondary cerebral ischemia causing neurologic injury .

  8. 本研究发现临床麻醉剂量的异丙酚对体内过量的OFR有直接清除作用。开颅手术期间持续静脉点滴可减轻继发性脑损害而具有脑保护作用。

    The results showed that therapeutic doses of propofol had an effect on brain protection and acted as an OFR scavenger in vivo .

  9. 开放性颅骨缺损急诊术中一次完成自体修复的临床研究30例患者中16例行开颅手术,10例X刀治疗,4例立体定向手术。

    A clinical study on autogenous repairing of open skull fracture during emergency operation According to the results of the noninvasive work-up , 16 patients were referred for open skull operation , 10 patients for X-knife and 4 patients for stereotactic operation .

  10. 目的:探讨开颅手术术后血肿(post-craniotomyhematoma,PCH)的危险因素,减少术后血肿的发生。

    Objective : To study the risk factors of postoperative hematoma after craniotomy and to reduce the occurrence of post-operative hematoma .

  11. 开颅手术期间持续静脉泵注临床麻醉剂量的异丙酚可减轻继发性脑损害,降低血清NSE浓度的升高,具有脑保护作用,是颅脑手术麻醉的理想药物。

    Application of propofol by intravenous pumping can reduce the increase in serum NSE , alleviate cerebral injury , and protect the brain tissues of patients undergoing surgery for acute craniocerebral trauma .

  12. 方法对183例符合纳入标准的高血压脑出血患者在发病后7h内采用小骨窗微侵袭开颅手术清除血肿。

    Method The intracerebral hematomas were evacuated by minimally invasive operation through small craniotomy within 7 hours after the hemorrhage in 183 patients with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage .

  13. 方法对35例创伤性癫痫病人进行电生理学、CT、MRI、SPECT及PET检查后行外科治疗,开颅手术病例术中行皮层脑电监测。

    Methods Neurological and scalp EEGs were performed in 35 patients with posttraumatic epilepsy , who also underwent CT , MRI examination , single photon emission computerized tomography ( SPECT ) and positron emission tomography ( PET ) prior to intracranial surgery , with intraoperative monitoring of the cortical EEG .

  14. 结论早期开颅手术,解除颅内高压,控制肺部感染,密切监测各器官功能,加强对器官功能的支持,可降低MSOF的发生率。

    Conclusion It is helpful to decrease the incidence of MSOF that are early craniotomy and relieving raised ICP , controlling infection of lungs and inspecting and sustaining the functions of organs .

  15. 正确认识、诊断PNSH,可以缩短住院时间,减少重复脑血管造影及开颅手术探查。

    It is important that the correct diagnosis of PNSH to avoid unnecessary surgical exploration and repetition of angiographic examination .

  16. 方法:回顾性总结自1999年2月至2000年12月间使用ASA-601V神经外科导航系统完成的38例导航手术和使用Leksell-G型定向仪完成的67例立体定向开颅手术。

    Methods : 38 cases underwent frameless neuronavigation using ASA-601V neurosurgical navigation system , and 67 cases underwent stereotactic craniotomy using Leksell-G system from February 1999 to December 2000 is analyzed retrospectively .

  17. 方法:17例高血压脑出血采用小骨窗开颅手术治疗。

    Methods 17 patients were treated by small bone flap craniotomy .

  18. 颈动脉冷灌注下开颅手术的实验及临床研究

    Laboratory and Clinical Study of Craniotomy with Carotid Artery Cool Perfusion

  19. 开颅手术对脑脊液中药物浓度的影响

    The study of the effect of craniotomy on the CSF drug concentration

  20. 长程脑电对幕上开颅手术后癫痫的诊断价值

    Diagnostic value of long time EEG monitoring on epilepsy after supratentorial surgery

  21. 开颅手术治疗顽固性癫癎138例分析

    Analysis of surgical treatment on 138 cases of intractable epilepsy

  22. 开颅手术清洁切口感染的诸因素分析

    An analysis of risk factors for wound infection after clean wound craniotomy

  23. 神经外科开颅手术后颅内感染的危险因素分析

    Analysis on Risk Factors of Intracranial Infection after Neurosurgical Craniotomy

  24. 你竟然没告诉我你做了开颅手术?

    You had brain surgery and didn 't tell me ?

  25. 氟比洛芬酯在开颅手术中超前镇痛作用的临床观察

    The Clinical Observation of Flurbiprofen as Pre-emptive Analgesic Used in Patients Undergoing Craniotomy

  26. 开颅手术术后血肿的危险因素探讨

    Study on risk factors of postoperative hematoma after craniotomy

  27. 急性颅脑伤术后再次开颅手术临床分析

    Clinic Analysis For Second Craniotomy With Acute Brain Injury

  28. 结果开颅手术组术后有症状血管痉挛10例;

    Results Ten patients presented with symptomatic vasospasm after operation in the craniotomy group ;

  29. 首次开颅手术就脑疝而死。

    Herniate through the first craniotomy and die .

  30. 开颅手术和血管内栓塞治疗颅内动脉瘤的疗效比较

    Comparison of efficacy between surgical and endovascular interventional treatment for patients with intracranial aneurysms