
jiàn shè tīnɡ
  • provincial bureau of public works
  1. 本论文以辽宁省建设厅前期研究课题为依托,结合建筑业发展特点,进一步深入探索分析,基于BP神经网络对辽宁省建筑业进行综合评价和经济技术指标预测。

    Based on the earlier research study of Liaoning Ministry of Construction , combining the development features of construction industry thoroughly , this article carries out the comprehensive evaluation and forecast the economical & technical indexes of Liaoning 's construction industry applying BP Neural Network .

  2. 本论文是湖北省建设厅政府投资工程实施代建管理系统研究(K200566)课题的重要研究内容,同时也是建设部科技项目政府投资工程实施代建管理系统研究(06-R3-20)的子课题之一。

    The paper is importance research contents of Government investment project implement construction agent management system , which is the task of HuBei province construction department ( serial number : K200566 ) .

  3. 山东省建设厅村镇建设处下辖237个中心镇,其中有57个重点镇。

    Shandong construction office have 237 the center towns , including 57 important towns .

  4. 本课题是陕西省建设厅专项基金项目《地裂场地结构安全性能研究》的一部分工作。

    This paper roots in research in structure safety capability of Shaanxi ministry of construction fund item .

  5. 江苏省建设厅按照江苏省委、省政府的部署,迅速全面启动灾后重建城乡规划编制工作。

    The Construction Department of Jiangsu Province organized the urban-rural planning formulation rapidly according to the arrangement of the provincial government .

  6. 清欠永远的现在进行时&山西省建设厅副厅长张立光谈清欠

    Payoff of Arrears Eternal Present Continuous Tense & Opinion of Vice-Director of Shanxi Department of Construction Zhang Liguang on Payoff of Arrears

  7. 本文以山东省建设厅中心镇建设管理系统为背景设计了一个管理信息系统。

    The design process of information management system is introduced in the paper , which based on center town construction management system of Shandong construction office .

  8. 会同建设厅采集个人住房公积金贷款信息纳入个人征信系统,对个人贷款风险进行提示。

    Office building in the collection of personal housing accumulation fund loans for personal credit rating information into the system , the risk of personal loans for presentation .

  9. 本文研究的对象为由江苏省建设厅资助的由南京工业大学承接的带有聚苯层的复合混凝土小型空心砌块,主要的研究内容为这种砌块的基本性质和力学性能。

    The experimental study on the structural and material property of masonry walls constructed by the composite hollow concrete small blocks with foamed polystyrene is presented in this paper .

  10. 重点汇报了受到省建设厅红牌警示后,认真总结经验教训,举一反三查找问题,进一步加大安全生产工作力度等情况。

    Focus on the building of the provincial Office of red card warning , seriously sum up the lessons about identifying problems , and further intensify the work on safe production .

  11. 配合《广东省城市控制性详细规划管理条例》的实施,广东省建设厅出台了《广东省城市控制性详细规划编制指引》。

    To implement Urban Regulatory Detailed Planning Management Ordinance of Guangdong Province , the Construction Department of Guangdong Province unveils the Guide to Formulation of Urban Regulatory Detailed Planning in Guangdong Province .

  12. 后战事稍平,安徽省建设厅为维持后方安全,继续开展棉产改良活动,坚持棉花良种比较实验。

    After the war a little flat , Anhui Construction Department to maintain the rear is safe to continue to expand cotton production improvement activities , and continue the cotton seeds comparative tests .

  13. 以湖南省建设厅科技攻关试点项目&湘潭大学教师公寓为例,介绍了围绕有效降低建筑能耗的目的,教师公寓在环境设计、屋面选用的保温隔热技术、墙体改革等方面的做法。

    With the example of Xiangtan University teachers apartment & the pilot technical tackling key project of Hu'nan Constrction Department , authors introduce the energy efficiency methods adopted during construction of teachers apartment in such aspects as environmental design , roof thermal insulation technology and walling reform .

  14. 结合湖南省建设厅重点资助项目进行研究,本文的主要内容如下:在总结了现浇空心楼盖技术在全国各地的发展概况的基础上,介绍了该楼盖结构现阶段的设计方法。

    Combined with one of the important supporting projects of Constructive Hall of Hunan Province , the main contents of this paper are introduced below : Based on summing-up the developing situation of cast-in-situ concrete hollow floor technology all over the country , current design methods are introduced .

  15. 关于在高校图书馆内建设音乐欣赏厅的构想

    Conception of " Constructing Music Appreciation Hall in University Library "

  16. 指数评价法的应用&深圳市建设银行营业厅内环境综合评价

    Application of Index Evaluation Method : an Interior Integrated Evaluation to Business Halls of China Construction Bank in Shenzhen

  17. 月湖北岸包括已建成的琴台大剧院,正在建设的音乐厅;

    In the north bank of Yuehu Lake , there are Qintai Grand Theatre and Concert Hall which is under construction ;

  18. 法规建设;联邦音乐厅

    Federation Concert Hall LAWS AND REGULATIONS

  19. 为有效开展市场营销,中国电信作为基础电信运营商,不断加强渠道建设,采取营业厅加代理商相结合的方式。

    For the effective implementation of marketing , China Telecom as a basis for telecom operators , continue to strengthen channel construction , business hall to take a combination of additional agents .

  20. 介绍了全天候高压试验大厅建设的方案,结合对某公司的实际改造,给出了供电公司建设高压试验厅的一些基本方法和参数。

    Introduction is made to the plan of building high-voltage test hall , combined with a certain company 's actual reconstruction , giving out some basic methods and parameters for power supply company in building of high-voltage test hall .