
  • 网络Construction party;Building side
  1. 关于BT项目投资建设方风险若干问题的探讨

    Discussion on Some Risk Problems of Investor in BT Projects

  2. 网络建设方NBN日前表示,修复宽带系统的损伤,包括更换令人讨厌的鹦鹉啃咬过的钢丝编织网,已经花费了8万澳元。

    Repairing the damage wrought on the broadband system , including replacing steel-braid wires that the pesky parrots have gnawed , has already cost A $ 80000 , network builder NBN said .

  3. 对于合同履行中发生的每一索赔事件,关于索赔费用的争议是目前在承包方和建设方之间经常发生的。

    The disputes about claim are usually between owners and contractors .

  4. 基于建设方的工程项目全过程跟踪审计控制研究

    Controlling Research on the Follow-up Auditing of Engineering Projects for Construction Units

  5. 铝合金门窗造价分析及建设方招标策略

    Cost analysis and inviting bit strategy of Aluminum Alloy doors and windows

  6. 谈建设方签订合同时的策略与技巧

    Talk About the Tactics and Skill When the Construction Unit signs the Construction Contract

  7. 与技术部门、建设方沟通解决图纸和现场施工技术问题。

    With technical department , construction square communication settlement drawings and construction site technical problems .

  8. 昨天下午,建设方与施工方代表载誉而归。

    Yesterday afternoon , the construction units and workers side returned to Hangzhou with honor .

  9. 变电站建成后,建筑物及地面发生不均匀沉降,建设方要求进行加固处理。

    After the transformer station was built , the building and the ground occurred uneven subsidence .

  10. 监理方的监督权一方面来源于法律的规定,另一方面来源于建设方的委托合同。

    The supervisor 's rights in performance stem from two aspects : laws and contract of project supervision .

  11. 在工程项目的建造活动中,成本控制活动对建设方和施工方来说都是一项非常重要的工作。

    In project construction activities , cost control is a very important task both for construction units and building sides .

  12. 而站在建设方的角度,结算审核这一环节对造价控制变得更加重要。

    From the perspective of the construction party , settlement auditing has become more important for the control of construction costs .

  13. 这样也忽略了在方案设计前期,建筑师与建设方多次反复沟通并调整方案的环节,而直接得出结果。

    This ignores the pre-in program design , which architects and construction part adjust the program repeatedly , and direct the outcome .

  14. 儿童进行日常生活也是儿童社会化的过程,物质生活、精神生活、群体生活的现代化特征将1927-1937年上海儿童锻炼为具有现代人格特征的现代人,人的发展和现代化建设方可得到辩证的统一。

    Modern features of material life , spiritual life , and social life make Shanghai children be the modern people with modern personality characteristics .

  15. 并把这些关键技术研究结果应用于廊坊市快速路工程桥梁基桩的检测过程中,取得了令建设方满意的结果。

    The results obtained had been applied to the testing course of piles of bridges in the expressway of Lang fang with satisfactory results .

  16. 但这些展馆的设计方和建设方是外国政府(就美国而言,是外国公司),和中方无关。

    But those pavilions are designed and built by foreign governments ( or in the case of the US , foreign companies ) , not by the Chinese .

  17. 第二部分,借用资质各方法律关系。借用资质行为一般涉及到的借用资质方、出借资质方、建设方以及与借用资质方有关系的分包方这四方法律主体。

    Borrowing qualifications behavior is generally related to borrower qualification side , loan qualification side , the construction side as well as borrow qualification square subcontractors Quartet legal subjects .

  18. 城市生活品质的一个重要影响因素&城市景观日益受到百姓、政府、建设方的共同关注。

    Urban landscape , as an important impact factor on the quality of urban life , has been paid much attention to by citizens , governments and construction enterprises .

  19. 在建工程往往存在建设方工程款的支付滞后于实际完成的形象进度,与实际投资额不一致,造成在建工程权益的缺失。

    It happens that the project payment lags the actual completion progress , which is inconsistent with the actual amount of investment and leads to the lack of its equity .

  20. 然而,由于存在建筑市场不规范,建筑法律法规不健全,加之内部管理混乱等原因引起建设方退货等工程质量事故。

    However , due to the non-standardizing of construction market , distempered of the law and disarray of internal management and so an , it often causes the quality accident .

  21. 近来有一种担忧是,中国会坚持供应商融资模式,即许多拥有自然资源的发展中国家得到资金来搞基建,而中国企业则是这些基础设施的供应商、资金提供方和建设方。

    One fear has been that China would persist with vendor-style financing , where many developing countries with natural resources received funding for infrastructure & supplied , financed and built by Chinese companies .

  22. 忽视施工质量检测的问题存在多方面的原因:一方面,工程建设方质量意识淡薄,一味的抓进度、要效益;

    Ignore and construct issue of quality testing the reasons in many aspects have : On one hand , engineering construction square quality-mind thin , paying special attention to progress , take benefit simply ;

  23. 为保证施工的正常进行,请建设方或甲方提供放置工具和设备开箱后的零部件存放室一间(或锅炉房设门锁)。

    To ensure the normal operation of the construction of party A , please provide constructors or placed tools and equipment parts storage room unpacking after a set of boiler ( or lock ) .

  24. 本文着重从建设方在施工管理过程中如何控制施工方的施工索赔,使反索赔成功,从而提高投资效益方面加以阐述。

    This thesis focuses on how a proprietor can control a claim or counter-claim for a contracted construction project in the course of engineering management so as to raise the invest - ment efficiency .

  25. 相信建筑市场信用制度理论与建设方而的研究将有利于加快建筑市场信用制度建设步伐,使我国建筑市场走上一条信息灵敏、激励相容的健康发展之路。

    It is believed that the study in this dissertation will accelerate the improvement of CM credit system , which will guide CM in China to a developing road with delicate information and incentive compatibility .

  26. 建设方如何合理确定和控制工程成本,把建设投资的发生控制在批准的限额内并确保证工程项目建设目标的实现,是建设方的使命和任务。

    How reasonably to decide and control the project cost for controlling the construction cost within the limit of the approved quota and for realizing the target of the projects being constructed , is the mission and task of the construction party .

  27. 介绍了现阶段建设方在签订建设工程施工合同时应该注意的问题及相应的策略和技巧。合同管理是控制工程造价的重要手段,建设方对此要加强管理,才能确保工程的顺利进行。

    The author combines the experience engaged in the fabrication cost management of the construction project for many years , In introduction question and corresponding tactics and skill which the construction unit should pay attention to while signing a contract of the present stage .

  28. 随着社会的进步和发展,设计行业的竞争也将越来越激烈,建设方在选择设计公司时也越来越慎重,越来越看重设计方的资质和业绩。

    The competition will be more and more furious in comply with the development of society , and the customers will be more and more choosey , the qualification and experience will apparently be more important to the customer to pick up the design company .

  29. 结合工作实践总结了建设方或施工方规避工程量清单计价风险的要点,并给出了施工方采用工程量清单报价的策略。

    Connecting with the working practice , this paper sums up the key points for the owner side or construction side to avoid the risks of the quantities bill figuring , and puts forward the tactics of the quantities bill quoting adopted by the construction side .

  30. 建筑业增值税销项税额的确定关键在于计税依据的确定,建筑业增值税的计税依据为建筑工程结算收入,即向建设方收取的全部价款和价外费用。第四,进项税额。

    The construction industry value-added tax VAT is a tax based on the identification of key construction industry to determine , VAT tax based on the architectural engineering settlement income , namely to construction shall be the total price and other charges . Fourth , the input tax .