
  • 网络delayed choice experiment;Wheeler's delayed choice experiment
  1. 1.5μmCPFSK外差/差分&延迟解调实验系统

    1.5 μ m Experimental System on CPFSK Heterodyne / Differential-Delay Demodulation

  2. 方法:采用跨通路延迟反应实验模式,研究12名正常青年人注意与非注意条件下的事件相关电位(ERPs)。实验分为二项:①注意视觉通路,忽视听觉通路;

    Methods : Event-related potentials ( ERPs ) were recorded in 12 healthy young adults using the paradigm called cross-model and delayed response under the following two conditions : ① Attending to the visual modality but ignoring the auditory modality ;

  3. 延迟选择实验及其引发的实在问题

    Delayed - Choice Experiment and the Reality Puzzle from It

  4. 本文以惠勒的延迟选择实验为切入点。

    The thesis started by discussing the delayed-choice experiment of Prof.

  5. 利用高质量单光子和光学腔实现延迟选择实验的方案

    A Scheme for Realizing the Delayed-choice Experiment with High-quality Single Photons and an Optical Cavity

  6. 高压脉冲延迟线实验研究

    Study on High Voltage Pulse Delay Line

  7. 自动控制网络延迟仿真实验

    Simulation Experiments for Time-delayed Autocontrol Networked

  8. 第零章:引出问题,叙述延迟选择实验及其对经典实在的挑战;

    Chapter zero is devoted to introduction of the issues by describing the delayed-choice experiments and its challenges to classic physics .

  9. 延迟选择实验尖锐地凸显了与经典物理学相和谐的日常语言在实在描述上的矛盾,将哥本哈根学派的思想推到了极端。

    Wheeler , which acutely demonstrated the defects of reality description by daily language which consistent with the classical physics , culminating the theories advocated by Copenhagen School .

  10. 采用经典的自我延迟满足实验范式做如下研究:1.对呈现图片刺激与实物刺激的不同情境下儿童的行为表现进行分析,探讨中度智力落后儿童延迟满足能力的发展特点。

    And using the classic paradigm of self delay of gratification of doing the following : 1.Showing pictures and physical of stimulation under different scenarios to analyze the behavior and capacity of children with moderate mental retardation meet the characteristics of delay .

  11. 气体击穿延迟时间实验数据表明,HL2A装置的气体击穿过程可以用修改了的有电极放电汤森德电离公式,并考虑电子的几何损失来进行描述。

    Experimental data of gas breakdown time lag show that the gas breakdown process in the HL-2A tokamak can be described by the modified Townsend ionization formula for the discharge between two electrodes , taking into account the electron loss due to the magnetic field geometry .

  12. 急性心肌梗塞的MR灌注成像及延迟扫描:实验研究并与病理对照

    MR perfusion imaging and delay scanning of acute myocardial infarction : an experimental study with pathological correlation

  13. 建立了激光触发SF6气体间隙开关的0维数值模型,数值计算结果与国内外实验进行了比较,计算的延迟时间与实验结果符合较好。

    A 0-dimension model of laser triggered SF_6 gap switch is established and the numerical results compared with a series of experimental data presented by Woodworth and Li hong-tao in the paper .

  14. 不同浓度下叶绿体延迟荧光光谱实验结果表明:初始随浓度的增加,延迟荧光光谱中685和730nm成分强度均增强;

    Experimental results of the DF spectrum at different chloroplast concentration show that the intensity of peaks at 685 and 730 nm ascend with the increasing chloroplast concentration when the concentration is relatively low .

  15. 波形记录仪触发延迟线性的实验研究

    Experiment Research on Linearity of Trigger Delay of Waveform Recorder

  16. 烧伤休克延迟复苏的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Delayed Resuscitation from Burn Shock

  17. 近年来国内外进行了包括延迟满足的实验研究范式,延迟满足的发生、稳定性等研究。

    This article reviews some major developments and findings on this topic recently , including the paradigms of experimental research in the delay of gratification , the manifestations of its early genesis and the stability .

  18. 结合微型核同步系统样机传输延迟分布的实验结果,本文推导了该方法的读时钟误差、同步成功概率以及同步精度的表达式。

    Based on experimental results obtained from measuring signal transmission delay distribution with the demonstration system of General Cell Synchronization System , this paper systematically deduces arithmetical expression of clock reading error , probability of success synchronization and timing precision of the method .

  19. PIN管的延迟击穿性能初步实验研究

    Elementary study of PIN diode as device delayed breakdown

  20. 仿真得到的UWB信道的功率延迟分布特性与实验测量的结果非常一致,证明此方法的有效性。

    The simulation results demonstrate that the power delay profiles obtained from stochastic beams method correspond well with the experimental values , which validate the effectiveness of the method using stochastic beams .

  21. 心肌缺血预处理延迟保护作用的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Delayed Protection of Myocardial Ischemic Preconditioning

  22. 3-5岁幼儿延迟满足能力的实验研究

    Experiment Study in Delay Gratification of Children at Age 3 to 5

  23. 缺血预处理对兔骨骼肌再灌注损伤延迟保护作用的实验研究

    Study on delayed protection of ischemia preconditioning for reperfusion injury of skeletal muscle in limbs of rabbits

  24. 双耳分听和补笔对立即回忆、延迟回忆影响的实验研究

    An experimental study of the in-fluence of binaural hearing and word - fragment completion on immediate recall and delayed recall