
  • elongated shoot
  1. 侧枝延长枝剪去枝长的1/3,成枝率低,并可减少营养枝的数量;

    The successful shoot rate was low when 1 / 3 of elongated shoot of main branch was cut off , and this low rate decreased the number of foliage branch .

  2. 大王枣的修剪反应及延长枝生长特性

    Study on " dawang " jujube 's response to pruning and growth character of elongated shoots

  3. 成龄树延长枝有2个生长高峰,结果枝有1个生长高峰。

    Extending shoots have two growing peaks and fruit shoots have one growing peak in a year .

  4. 直立枝、斜生枝只有一次,近水平枝有两次延长枝的快速生长期。

    Nearly horizontal elongated shoots had two time rapid growth period a year , but the erect and oblique ones only had once .

  5. 树主枝延长枝角度为90°,留果量按主枝横截面积计算应为2个/cm2时,树势比较健壮,果实品质较好,产量最高。

    While 90 angles of extension leading branch and 2 numbers per cross section area of main branch , pear tree vigor was hale , fruit quality was higher , and yield was highest .

  6. 在15min~60min范围内,随保温时间的延长,二次枝晶间距显著增大;但保温时间的延长对其铸态组织均匀性以及晶粒尺寸的大小的影响并不明显。

    The secondary dendrite spacing grows markedly with the increase of holding time in the range of 15min ~ 60min , but the effects on dendrite nets and grain size are not obviously .

  7. 随着保温时间的延长,棱状枝晶Mg2Si相发生熔断、球化,最终成为尺寸为10-30μm的颗粒;

    With increasing holding time , the roughly prismatic dendritic Mg_2Si phase tends to be dissolved and broken and spheroidized and finally transformed into particles with size of 10-30 μ m ;