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  1. 论庾信的自卑心态及悲剧意识

    On YuXin 's Inferiority Complex and Tragic Consciousness of Yu Xin

  2. 第四部分回顾庾信对后世之影响并站在现代的角度分析庾信给我们的启迪。

    The last chapter looks back and analysis the affections of Yuxin .

  3. 本文重点是第四章、第五章,具体地论述了庾信的文学思想。

    This article focuses on chapter ⅳ,ⅴ, Yu discussed specifically literary thought .

  4. 第三节:庾信创作中南北文化交融的体现。

    The cultural blending embodiment of South and North in Yuxin 's creation .

  5. 庾肩吾、庾信父子是梁朝著名的诗人。

    Thesis : Yujianwu and Yuxin were the famous poets in Liang dynasty .

  6. 第二章叙述庾信的生平。

    The second chapter describes the life of Yu .

  7. 论《三国史记·金庾信传》独特的创作原则

    Unique Artistic Principles of Biography of Kim Yu-sin in History of the Three Kingdoms

  8. 庾信作品中的女性题材论略

    Argument on the female in YuXin 's works

  9. 儒家思想中的夷夏之辨对庾信的影响。

    The impact of Confucianism " argument between Yi and Xia " on Yuxin .

  10. 庾信文学思想的提炼,基于他大量的文学创作。

    Yu literary thought refined , based on his large number of literary creation .

  11. 论庾信的自卑与超越

    On Yu Xin 's Inferiority and Transcendency

  12. 道教对庾信的影响。

    Taoism 's impact on Yuxin .

  13. 节操意识:庾信后期情性之作主题解读

    Sense of Moral Integrity : Interpretation of the Theme of YU Xin 's Late Emotional Works

  14. 世纪回眸:庾信研究的回顾与展望(下)

    Dating back from the Century : the Review and Prospect of the Research into Yu Xin ;

  15. 第一节:庾信接受儒学的学术背景。

    The combination of Confucianism and Taoism 1 . the intellectual background of Yuxin 's acceptation of Confucianism .

  16. 庾信的文学思想最主要的特征就是融合南北文风自成一家。

    The literary thought of Yu Xin is characterized as fusing the northern and southern writing styles to have something unique .

  17. 在我国碑志文发展史上,庾信是继蔡邕之后又一位具有里程碑意义的碑志文作家。

    In domestic epigraph development history , Yu Xin has been recognized as a epigraph writer of milestone significance following Cai Yong .

  18. 根据实际情况分为第二、第三两章,把杜甫对庾信的接受单独列为一章。

    According to the actual situation into the second and third chapters , the Concert for Yu Du Fu as a separate chapter .

  19. 崇尚道家文化的家族好尚与魏晋以来玄风独盛的时代风气,使庾信深受影响。

    Yuin was greatly influenced by his family 's admiration for Taoist culture and the Taoist vogue prevailing in Wei and Jin dynasties .

  20. 徐陵仕陈展现出政治家风采,庾信入北则未能施展其政治才华,在对政治的文人式反思中显示其文人本色。

    Book of Xu successful career politicians show his politicians colors . Yu stayed in the North and failed to throw its political talent .

  21. 本文是在已有研究的基础上,对庾信作更为广阔的文化考察,探究庾信创作中的文化价值取向。

    This essay vastly inspects Yuxin from the cultural perspective and deeply probes into his cultural value orientation in creation on the basis of the previous studies .

  22. 庾信的生平对他的文学创作与文学思想的影响是直接而深刻的,坎坷的人生经历丰富了他的文学创作及文学思想。

    The life of a writer and his literary influence and literary thinking is a direct and profound , rough life experiences enriched his literary writing and literary theory .

  23. 庾信的作品精炼纯熟,纵横恣肆,比较全面而深刻地反映了梁朝一代的兴亡和南北朝时期统治阶层和下层人民的生活画面。

    The works of Yu Xin reflected the rise and fall of the Liang Dynasty and the life of the ruling class and the lower class in the South and North Dynasties .

  24. 二是以诗本位的视角将庾信作为一个诗人来看,庾信多被肯定。杜甫、黄庭坚是此类典型代表。

    The second is to regard Yu Xin as a poet from the poet standard angle , than Yu Xin is mostly accepted , taking Du Fu and Huang Ting-jian as representative .

  25. 庾信后期节操意识的影响因素及其评价先分别评价其有利影响与不利影响,然后权衡两方面,得出总指标。

    Influencing Factors of Yu Xins Sense of Chastity in His Later Years and Evaluation ; Cost - benefit and adverse effects of the project are calculated to conclusion for every project .

  26. 创作新声、新曲,抒写新情,文要新奇,意要己出,都是庾信新变文学思想的具体表现。

    Create a new sound , new songs , and describe the new situation , the text should be novel to have a meaning , new changes are Yu concrete manifestation of literary thought .

  27. 庾信由南入北,其遭遇发生了天翻地覆的改变,其情感也由前期的意气风发转为后期的深沉痛苦,这使他的创作自然而然出现了巨大的变化。

    Yuxin from south to north , their experiences occurred enormous change and their feelings from the early elation to late nights of deep pain , which makes him a great creative naturally change .

  28. 相似的经历,相同的生命感受,使得杜甫与庾信情感相通;加上转益多师是汝师的文学观点,使杜甫对庾信接受颇多。

    Similar experiences , " How much is the Ru-Master Teacher " of the literary point of view , makes the Du Fu and Yu Xin empathy , with more in-depth understanding of acceptance .

  29. 虽然清初批评家也持史家的视角对庾信进行研究,但非清代庾信接受研究的主流。

    Although , the critics at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty hold the historical eyes to study Yu Xin , but this method was not the mainstream of the study of Yu Xin .

  30. 近代学者对庾信的研究已经比较全面深入,一方面为庾信研究提供了全面的资料,另一方面也增加了庾信研究的难度和深度。

    Yuxin of modern scholars have been more in-depth , on the one hand for the Yu study provides comprehensive information on the other hand , the study also increased the difficulty and depth Yuxin .