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sāo rén
  • poet;dejected poet;bard
骚人 [sāo rén]
  • (1) [poet]∶指诗人

  • 骚人墨客

  • (2) [dejected poet]∶泛指忧愁失意的文士、诗人

  • 正声何微茫,哀怨起骚人。--李白《古风》

  • 迁客骚人,多会于此。--宋. 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》

  1. 论王禹偁的骚人情结

    Discussing Wang Yucheng 's Poet Complex

  2. 秋既是骚人哀怨的体现,又是盛世衰落的象征。

    The image of autumn was embodiment of poets'plaint and symbol of decline .

  3. 三次贬谪是王禹偁的孤独心灵之旅,他贬谪后的诗歌创作,流露出一种把生命和情感对象化于国家的骚人情结。

    His poem creation after being banished showed a kind of poet complex which associating closely his life and feelings with nation .

  4. 这个小家伙显然还需要几年时间才能向一只成年雄狮挑战,但看上去它已经足以应付最高六只鬣狗的骚人了。

    This guy is clearly several years from being able to challenge a big male but he seems quite capable of standing up to the six hyenas harassing him .