
dù mì yuè
  • honeymoon
度蜜月 [dù mì yuè]
  • [honeymoon] 新婚夫妇的蜜月旅行或蜜月度假

度蜜月[dù mì yuè]
  1. 他们已选定在巴黎度蜜月。

    They 've fixed on Paris for their honeymoon .

  2. 你们决定好到哪里去度蜜月了吗?

    Have you made up your minds where to go for your honeymoon ?

  3. 他们正在度蜜月。

    They 're on their honeymoon .

  4. 他们的旅伴中有度蜜月的新人,有寻觅伴侣的单身女孩,也有老年夫妇。

    Their fellow travellers are a mix of honeymooners , single girls on the prowl and elderly couples

  5. 这对新婚夫妇在去哪里度蜜月的问题上有不同的想法。

    The newly-weds differed in their idea of where to spend their honeymoon .

  6. 他们正忙着准备去度蜜月。

    They were busy preparing for their honeymoon .

  7. 他们在度蜜月。

    They are on their honeymoon .

  8. 他们正在非洲度蜜月。

    They are honeymooning in africa .

  9. 这幸福的一对就要去度蜜月了。

    The happy pair are leaving for their honeymoon .

  10. 他们新婚燕尔,去度蜜月了,所以两个人正是特别开心的时候。

    They 've just got married6 and gone on holiday so they 're really walking on sunshine right now !

  11. 忙碌的生活导致很多新婚夫妇分头度蜜月。有些人不与配偶一起度过蜜月假期,这称为unimoons。两人分开进行蜜月旅行通常是因为工作太忙,或者日程安排有冲突。

    Busy lives lead couples to take separate honeymoons called " unimoons . " Demanding jobs and conflicting schedules lead to the separate post-wedding trips .

  12. 例句:尽管梅丽莎和我结婚了,亲友也参加了我们的小范围结婚典礼,但忙碌的工作让我们加入了令人不安的“分头度蜜月”风潮。

    Even as Melissa and I married , in a small ceremony with family and close friends , our overworking led us to join the disquieting “ uni-moon ” trend .

  13. “家庭蜜月”指的是再婚的夫妻二人带上各自的孩子一起度蜜月,是你和你的新伴侣及家人第一次一起旅行。

    Familymoon is a honeymoon1 in which the newlywed couple bring along their children . Familymoon is that trip that you and you new loved one travel for the first time as a family .

  14. 有一对正在华盛顿度蜜月的新婚夫妇,他们来到水门旅馆登记住宿。到了晚上,丈夫刚要熄灯,新娘子问道:“你觉得房间里会不会装有窃听器?”

    A pair of honeymooners checked into the Watergate Hotel in Washington , D. C. That night , as the husband was about to turn off the light , his bride asked , " Do you think this room is bugged1 ? "

  15. 这对新人也没有花费百万美元去度蜜月,而是在新婚的第二天去观看了NBA总决赛的第一场湖人队与活塞队的比赛。

    No million-dollar honeymoon for these newlyweds .

  16. 当兰迪波许(RandyPausch)教授为了度蜜月而休假一个月时,他在卡内基梅隆大学(CarnegieMellonUniversity)的老板坚持要能联系上他。

    When Professor Randy Pausch took a month off work for his honeymoon , his boss at Carnegie Mellon University insisted that he be reachable .

  17. 卡洛琳和詹姆斯已搭乘飞机去度蜜月了,他们将在意大利托斯卡纳(Tuscany)边境处逗留两个星期,但是双方亲属却表示那个盗贼摧毁了本该属于这两人的一生中最幸福的时刻。

    Caroline and James have jetted off for a two week honeymoon in the borders of Tuscany , Italy , but their family say the theft blighted what should have been the happiest day of their lives .

  18. 卡洛琳和詹姆斯已搭乘飞机去度蜜月了,他们将在意大利托斯卡纳(Tuscany)边境处逗留两个星期,但是双方亲属却表示那个盗贼“摧毁了”本该属于这两人的一生中最幸福的时刻。

    Caroline and James have jetted off for a two week honeymoon in the borders of Tuscany , Italy , but their family say the theft " blighted " what should have been the happiest day of their lives .

  19. 尼克和詹妮弗定下今年八月在布特(Bute)岛的罗思塞(Rothesay)城堡举行婚礼,他们准备去美国度蜜月。

    Nick and Jennifer are due to be married at Rothesay Castle on the Isle of Bute in August and they plan to spend their honeymoon touring the United States .

  20. 贝拉和爱德华结婚了,有一个可爱的婚礼,去度蜜月,有性生活,但是之后贝拉意识到她怀孕了,有一个吸血鬼宝宝,NHS热线是没有用的。

    Twilight : Breaking Dawn Bella and Edward get married , have a lovely wedding , go on their honeymoon , have THE SEX , but then Bella realises she 's pregnant , with a vampire baby and the NHS helpline is no use .

  21. 我们要去希腊群岛度蜜月!

    We are going to the Greek islands for our honeymoon .

  22. 你知道他们要去那里度蜜月吗?

    Do you know where they will go on their honeymoon ?

  23. 我们带着宝尼,再去度蜜月。

    We 'll take Bonnie and we 'll have another honeymoon .

  24. 玛丽穿着十分漂这时的蓝衣服度蜜月。

    Mary wore such a pretty blue suit to go away .

  25. 这幸福的一对到夏威夷度蜜月去了。

    This perfect match have gone to Hawaii for their honeymoon .

  26. 而且总有一天我们不止去那度蜜月

    And someday , we won 't just be honeymooning there .

  27. 琳达和我曾经想到过去那里度蜜月。

    Linda and I thought about going there for our honeymoon .

  28. 我不是我想要度蜜月的地方

    This is not where I wanted to spend my honeymoon .

  29. 我提议去巴黎,那是度蜜月的好去处。

    I suggest Paris as a good place for a honeymoon .

  30. 最好是去巴黎度蜜月。

    Best thing would be to spend the honeymoon in Paris .